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The childish princess.
Younger sister of Jennie.
23 years old.
Enjoy her life at any situations.

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"Meet Princess Jennie and PRINCESS ROSEANNE of east Angun" Namjoon introduced them.

"do Dad want me to marry Two girls?" Taehyung asked Jin. Who glared him to shut up. Later after introduction. Namjoon asked Taehyung to show Jennie her room.

Being smart Namjoon knew that Sana will follow them and will do something so he asked Sana and Joy to show Roseanne her room.

Jisoo: Dad is taking my credit, I'm the one who told him that.

Taehyung was still confused that who is the chosen one. He was walking ahed and Jennie was following him suddenly he stopped and turned back. Jennie was looking at him with her beautiful eyes.

"Well myself Kim Taehyung I'm young prince of Korea" He spoke with his cold voice.. At least he is starting a conversation.

"I know" Jennie replied. He rose his brows in confusion so Jennie continued..
"King Namjoon had already introduced us so no need to waste our time in it" She said.

Rude he thought.
"Let's go?" She asked. He then started moving. On reaching the third floor he stopped. Smirked. Become normal. Turned back. Smiled. Softening his voice he spoke.

"Your room, enjoy your stay and leave before I kick you out" He spoke the last words for himself to hear little did he know that she heard him. She felt something...

He turned and left her.


I left her on third floor. Far from my room. Let's see how will you trap me in your beauty princess.
He smirked and walked downstairs.
Meanwhile Jennie was still standing on the door rethinking her choice of coming here.

On other hand Roseanne was busy analysing her surroundings. She was showing interest in the palace decorations.

"Is it new for you?" Joy asked.
Roseanne turned her face and asked her what. So Joy said.
"Aren't you been to any palace before. Oh sorry you are a princess so you must belongs to a palace, Rosa"

"Rosé, call me Rosé and before you speak something more let me make sure I'm not from Korea. So the decorations are quite interesting and beautiful" She said.

"Well were are you from?" This time it was Sana. Rosé smiled at walked forward without answering her question. Sana was angry as Rosé ignored her.

"Bitch knows that you are her sister's rival" Joy murmured to Sana.
Sana looked at Joy then at Rosé. She gritted her teeth and walked forward


"What!!!" Was the only word that was heard at Dining table.
"You wanna say that she don't know anything?" Jin asked.
"She came her just to strengthen the friendship among both kingdoms?" Jisoo asked

Namjoon was just nodding his head.
"What a lame joke King Namjoon?" Taehyung mocked.
Jihyo glared him. And spoke clearing everyone's doubt.
"Jennie is The eldest princess of Angun. We sent letter to Queen of Angun inviting both Princesses to our kingdom reasoning to strengthen the friendship of our kingdom's and Queen agreed so they are here"

"Sorry we are late" They heard Roséanne's voice. Namjoon said no problem and asked them to join the dining.

Both sisters sat beside Jisoo. And the dine continued with silence. Talking while eating is bad manners both Namjoon and Jennie thinks.


Next morning at royal court. Only Jin and Namjoon were present along with Yoongi who was discussing something with Jin and Namjoon.

Soon the meeting dismissed. Yoongi and Jin walked outside while Namjoon walked towards his room. They heard something from library reaching their they found Roseanne under the piles of books and Jisoo was laughing at her. Jennie was just standing there.

Jisoo removed all books freeing her.
Yoongi and Jin walked in he didn't expect to meet two unknown beauties along with crown princess.

"Who is this pretty lady?" Yoongi asked Jin looking at Jennie.
"This is Princess Jennie of East Angun and that is Princess Roseanne her sister" Jin said. Rosé rose her hand and said hi balancing her books.

Yoongi smiled a little and bowed respecting the princess. He took Jennie's hand and kissed the back of her hand Jennie smiled back. He is totally unaware that she is the chosen one.

"What's going on here?" Echoes the voice of Taehyung. Taehyung was standing at door with Sana and Joy. His eyes we're on yoongi's hand which was holding jennie's.

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