✵✵Crush on my Cousin✵✵

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Vedika Sharma
25 years.
Elder daughter of Sharma.

Vedika Sharma the eldest child of the family(both paternal and maternal) due to this she Got lots of love from but she have a little crush on her cousin Rishi Malhotra who is a year younger than her. Growing together from childhood her crush grew day by day. Loves her family,cant hear anyone badmouthing them. She is not so open with everyone always busy in her own little world.gets scared easily. Don't mess with her once she cut any relation no one can change her mind. Mumma's girl never hides anything from her. Respect her father more than anyone. Role model for her siblings. Cursh over Rishi is only thing she thinks about him. But family has another plan.

Harshini Sharma.
23 years.
Second Daughter of Sharma.

Harshini Sharma, cute bubbly cheerful and carefree girl two years younger than her sister Vedika. Harshini is everyone's favorite compared to Vedika. Loves her family. Dad's girl. Never listens to anyone have a best friend named anvika both of them are known as boss babies. Can't see if anyone hurt her fragile sister, hates elder Malhotras to grave except Shivansh and Trisha. Cousins favorite. Totally opposite of her sister.

Rehan Sharma.
21 years.
University student.
The youngest son of Sharma and apple of everyone's eye.

Being the youngest Rehan got everything before asking and he was a premature baby which was like a cherry on top. Loves everyone. Isn't scared of anyone except his elder sister Vedika. Mumma's boy. Dad's favorite. Combination of both of his sisters. Sometimes cheerful as Harshini sometimes Gloomy as Vedika.

Rishi Malhotra.
24 years.
Eldest son in family.

Would be born as eldest Rishi never thought of that. In fact none of his siblings respect him. Intelligent af. Busy in his work never spend much time with family reasoning getting less love from them. Gayatri loves him more followed by Dipti. Always locked up in his room or hospital. The pressure of studies from early age by his father and aunt had made him to distance from everyone.

Arav Malhotra.
23 years.
Second son.

Don of the house. Arav the most hated boy in the family of Malhotra because of his rude behavior to elders. Never listens to anyone except his favorite Cousin Vedika. He may be disrespectful to others but he can't say anything about Vedika and her parents. Always Vedika's favorite. Like a bodyguard to her.
Hates Dipti as anything.

Dipti Malhotra.
22 years.
Everyone's favorite.

Same case as Rehan, being youngest had lots of love from others. Immature girl. Always hated Vedika because of her mood. As she grew up her hate for Vedika started vanishing. Cheerful as Harshini.. Never put them together.
Loves Rishi alot. And Hate Arav to the core. Annoys everyone.


Family tree....

Rudra and Rama Malhotra

Have 5 children..

1. Gayatri Joshi. (60)
    One son.
       Ayan Joshi.

2. Kaveri Sharma.(57)
    Two daughters and one son.
         Vedika, Harshini and Rehan.

3. Shivansh Malhotra. (55)
    Two sons and one daughter.
        Rishi, Arav and Dipti.

4. Darsh Malhotra.(52)
    One daughter and one son.
        Arya(20) and Aryan(20).

5. Kiran Malhotra (49)
    One daughter

Ravindra Joshi. (62)
   Gayatri's husband.

Raj Sharma. (61)
   Kaveri's husband.

Trisha Malhotra. (53)
    Shivansh's wife.

Malika Malhotra (51)
    Darsh's wife.

Soumya Malhotra. (48)
    Kiran's wife.

Gayatri and Ravindra Joshi.

Eldest daughter of Rudra and Rama got married to Ravindra. Because of some problems her pregnancy delayed. Late pregnancy. She got pregnant with Ayan at age of 40. Because of it she pampered Vedika, her sister Kaveri's daughter. As Rishi born she pampered him too. Vedika was jealous seeing her Badi maa loving her cousin.

Ayan (20)

The only son of Gayatri and Ravindra. Everyone loves him the most. Did PHD Naughtiness. Big fan of vehicles from his childhood.
Loves Vedika but whenever he see Harshini, Vedika is an exception for him.

Kaveri and Raj Sharma.

Kaveri Sharma got married to Raj and had three children. Kaveri loves her elder daughter Vedika and her son Rehan and Raj loves Harshini and Rehan the most.
Proud of her daughter Vedika who was excellent in studies and a failure in relationships.
Harshini made her parents proud because of her behavior with their relatives. She is really good in maintaining relationship. She wasn't that great interms of studies. Can make friends with a gangster too.
Rehan is still a student same as his sisters who is good in studies and balancing relationships.
They stay in Delhi
Used to visit Mumbai (where Malhotras are) in every holidays. And now because of their jobs and tight packed schedule they can't visit.

Shivansh and Trisha Malhotra.

Shivansh and Trisha with their three children stays happily with others. Shivansh always wanted his son, Rishi to be at top. Always compared him with vedika. Whenever he defeats Vedika in something he lives on the moon.
Rishi was really very intelligent. He is mumma's boy and Feared of his dad. If Shivansh found him doing any other things other than studies he would scold him and ask him to study.
Shivansh's right hand was Arav. Trisha didn't liked his behavior so she always scolds him but his father was a shield.
Dipti the favorite of everyone was always got love from everyone. Vedika was a exception. Harshini was their favorite niece.

Darsh and Malika Malhotra.

Darsh and Malika along with their twins were hardly considered as a family because of their living style and place away from the family. Canada.
Darsh and Malika had love marriage and later got blessed with twins.. Arya and Aryan. Hardly visit India.

Kiran and Soumya Malhotra.

The youngest couple of family and got blessed with an angel named Ruhi. The real young child of family.
Due to some reasons Vedika distances her relationship with her favorite Mama.


I tried to try something different. Hope you don't mind reading it and I know it has bunch of characters but don't I can't do anything as it is everything Indian family's case.


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