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The Royal Hall.
The heated argument between the KING NAMJOON and Young prince Taehyung.

QUEEN JIHYO, Princess Sana,  MINISTER YOONGI and Crown Princess Jisoo being spectators.

Jihyo being a queen don't wants Taehyung to make a wrong decision so she can't support Taehyung. But her being a mother can't see her son's happiness is being snatching away from him.

She was trying to stop Namjoon but was not of any use. A death glare was enough for her to shut up and watch a free drama going on.

"Listen you young man. This girl here is not right for you. If you decide to marry her than forget about us" Namjoon said looking at Taehyung like a predator looks at its prey.

"King Namjoon if it's your decision then listen to mine. I'm ready to lose you all for her love" He said looking at Sana with so much of love. Sana's eyes got teary as she witnessed this.

"Son? You are ready to leave us? For her?" Jihyo asked. It was like the ground skipped beneath her legs. She took few step behind. Not able to believe her son's words.

"Mom" Taehyung is very emotional when it comes to jihyo he can do anything for her. But in this case. Who knows.

"We gave birth to you" Namjoon said.

Taehyung moved his eyes from his mother to his father. His eyes got darker.
He gritted his teeth. His palm got fisted he was controlling himself.

"Just by giving birth you can't be a father King Namjoon" He said his knuckles turning white.

"If you weren't my son I would have"
Taehyung cut him off..
"I would have buried you alive if it wasn't my mom who loves you a lot King Namjoon" His roaring voice echoed the palace.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!" came the roaring voice of Crown prince Jin.
With his strong aura he took his steps towards his younger brother.

"Voice down. Don't forget you are talking to our father. You can insult him, disrespect him but not in front of me" Taehyung bowed his head down. A thing to say is that Taehyung respects his elder brother Kim Seokjin but not King.

Namjoon was still in shock.
"Jisoo guide mom and dad to their room" Jin informed his wife who agreed and walked away.

"Minister Yoongi, these words should be in these four walls only. Make sure" He said.

Taehyung looked at his brother.
Jin's eyes had something that Taehyung had never seen before.
Jin is Disappointed with Taehyung.

Taehyung regretted.
He wished that this drama had never happened.
He looked at Jin. Jin was glaring Taehyung.

"Princess Sana you can leave" Bowing she walked away. Joy who was listening to them hiding behind a piller got dragged by Sana.

"Care to explain Prince Taehyung?" Jin asked in his serious tone.

"Look Taehyung. I know you hate dad but I don't know the reason for this hate. I just want to tell you that dad loves us equally"

"This. This is your misunderstanding Hyung. He loves you. Only you. Not me. That's why he allowed you to marry Jisoo and when it's my turn he is denying" Taehyung said sitting on a nearby chair and keeping his legs on adjacent table.

"Yoongi is this true that I wanted to marry jisoo?" Jin asked. Yoongi who was just finding a chance to escape sighed.

"Even this chair had better life than me. At least it is away from all this drama" Yoongi thought and faced prince with is infamous I'm done face.

"Prince I have to go" Saying this yoongi rushed outside.

"Let me remind you Taehyung that I loved a girl named Han ji but Dad didn't agreed for our marriage and introduced Jisoo in my life and now you can see how we both are happy" Jin said looking at his brother who was chewing grapes.

"Hyung hyung hyung not every love stories are same. Your love story started from arrange marriage and mine will start from love marriage and with Sana only"

"Sana is good for you or not I don't wanna conclude but I'm saying I'm with Dad in this matter Taehyung. You should listen to him"

"And lose Sana like you lost Han ji" Taehyung taunted.

"Crown prince please hurry up.. Queen has fainted" A maid came inside breathing heavily.

Taehyung and Jin rushed outside like their tails are on fire. Reaching Queen's suit they found Jihyo lying unconscious with Jisoo on her side and Namjoon talking to Royal medic.

"She is really stressed out. Please don't let Queen to take any stress.. Her condition is good but can be worsen as we know Queen's health conditions" The Royal medic's words caught Taehyung's attention. He was now very guilty. He started to accuse himself for his mother's condition.

After few hours...

Jihyo opened her eyes. She is looking pale and week. Taehyung immediately walked towards her holding his mother's hand he kissed it and caressed back of her hand using his thumb.

"I'm sorry mom" He said.

She turned her face in opposite direction
The words Taehyung spoke earlier were ringing in her head in a loop.
She placed her hand on her head.
Jin rushed towards her and started to massage her head to calm her.

Taehyung called his mother in a sweet voice and asked for forgiveness.
Jihyo turned towards him.
"You want to leave us right Taehyung? Then go what are you doing here?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

Jin wiped her tears.
"Jin ask him to leave now. It won't be better if I kick him out" She said looking at Jin.

"Mom I'm sorry. Please don't do this to me. I'm very guilty and I'm promising not to repeat it again.. Please mom. I will do anything you say." Jihyo's head snapped towards him. She made sure what he said is true or not. When he confirmed she smiled.

Seeing her smiling Taehyung too smiled but his smile faded after listening to her next words.

"Then marry someone that we have chosen for you"

Next chapter after....
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See you in next chapter.

Jihyo is smart....
She will be like.

"If you are son then I'm your mom"

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