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After the engagement ceremony everyone were waiting for the new couple on dance floor. Taehyung rejected to dance saying his leg has hurted.

Jennie was sitting with him with no emotions..
"May i?" Asked Roseanne who can't see her sister sad. Soon Jennie accepted her hand and now both sisters were on dance floor enjoying the dance and people around them were admiring them.

"Jennie should have married Roseanne only see how happy she is" Jihyo said a little loud for Taehyung to hear.
He just rolled his eyes and walked away.

Soon the dance floor got occupied by various Royalties. Everyone were enjoying. But seems two pairs of eyes aren't as they were burning with rage.

Jennie was at center of the floor alone as Roseanne was asked for a dance by prince of Busan.

One pair of eyes found another a smirk formed on her mouth as she nodded smiling devilishly.

Jennie who was just standing in middle heard some sound and her eyes moved upwards where she saw the beautiful chandelier was going to hug her and will make her out of breath.

Her eyes widened as her legs started to shake. She wanted to move away but her legs didn't seemed to cope up.
Giving up she stood there ready to lose her last breath.


"Watch out!"


Came the voices before the chandelier fell down becoming tiny pieces.


























Prince Taehyung yelled.

When the Chandelier was making its way towards Jennie.. Queen Jihyo made her way towards her.

Jumping on Jennie she pushed both of them away. But her leg came under the contact with the glass pieces..

The sharp glasses pierced into her white skin and blood oozing out.
Taehyung rushed towards her mother picking her into his arms he made his way towards her room.

"Jimin call the medic" He instructed his best friend before going out of Hall.
Jin patted his brother's shoulder assuring him he will take care here.
Taehyung nodded and went away with Namjoon following them.

Jin looked at Jennie who was still shocked and looking at the direction from where Taehyung made his way out.

"Jisoo take Princesses to their room and check if there are any injuries on Jennie" Jisoo nodded before guiding the princesses.

TAENNIE//MINI STORIESWhere stories live. Discover now