SEOUL's Journey

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Somewhere in Seoul.
Four men were discussing something seriously.

"Are you telling me that they doubted us?" Jimin asked looking at Taehyung who was smoking looking at his laptop.

Taehyung smirks and dropped his cigarette crashing it with his feet.
"They tried to expose us but it's impossible" Jin continues going towards a big glass window.

"Poor them, invited their death" Jungkook said crossing his legs pulling out his gun and playing with tip of it.

"Are we going to kill them?" Jimin asked looking at Taehyung but he shrugged..
He stood up and walked towards Jungkook taking the gun from him.
He rotated it in his fingers and moved towards Jimin..

"Or already we did it" He said making him smirk.


"Jisoo come down and help me" Her mom yelled from bakery.
Jisoo came running towards her mother.
"Mom you know right I'm busy packing my stuff for Seoul" She said taking piping bag from her mother and decorating the cupcakes.

"Come on Jisoo you have just arrived from your tour of Jeju and now Seoul? Spend your time with your mom and dad too"

"Mom i can't stop traveling it's like my life depends on it" She said taking base of cake from oven.

"Okay okay you will marry while traveling, give birth while traveling and we have play with our grandchildren while traveling" Her mother said cutting the base bread.



"Excuse me can I get a room?" Lisa asked receptionist.
After checking in she reached her room in Seoul.
After a long Journey all she planned is to take a long rest and start her touring.

Changing into something comfortable she popped herself onto bed and decided to book a tour guide.


"So hello-er guys I'm Roseanne as you know and I have finally made my mind and my next tour spot is Korea, and now I'm at airport with my luggage and no one else and my flight is in two hours and I will see you after reaching Seoul" Roseanne Park a blogger from Australia.

After landing she went out of airport opening her camera she started to record beauty of Seoul.

After checking in same hotel as Lisa she went to her room.


"SeMA I'm here" Namjoon the ultimate art lover said looking at the giant building in front of him.

He held his cap and turned it back and entered Seoul Museam of Art.

After roaming around and having few meals he went to his hotel room.


A busy street of Seoul people screaming
'Neuron'. When  we take a closer look we can see a group of street dancers hyping the crowd.

Jhope drank water after finishing his dance looking at the sky.
"Ray of Hope" He said moving back to his dance team.

"Neuron aka our Jhope what's now" One of his member asked.
"Let's go back to our van" Jhope said.

Jhope is a street dancer from Gwangju who decided to show his talent to Seoul.
He and his team members lived in a house van.


"Nice shot" Yoongi said looking at a beautiful picture he captured.
"Besides sleeping I like photography" He said looking at fountain and capturing it.

"Hello there are you A photographer?" Asked a girl.
"No a dancer, can't you see I'm dancing" He said looking at her with done face.


"Feel the music"
A girl with guitar in her hand.

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