༄᭕❦𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 04

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"What the heck" Taehyung threw his laptop and walked towards Jimin's cabin in anger.
"Jimin let's go" He said and the lad was in shock to see his friend in mess.
"We don't have time.. Call Jin hyung and Kook we have to go.. Someone kidnapped Jisoo noona" He said and rushed outside.

"Whoever kidnapped my wife will regret his life" Jin said pulling his gun and entering a vacant house.
"Before he have to face her brother" Mafia boss said kicking the door.

"Look who is here" Echoed a feminine voice
"Yes baby me.. Your ex, didn't you missed me or still mourning over a dead body" Sana smirked and played with her hair.

"How dare you" Taehyung roared and pointed his gun at Sana. Instead of fear there was something else in her eyes.
"Don't you dare to baby, look up there"
She pointed at second floor.

Jisoo was tied to the balcony with a rope.
And below her there were many sharp objects.
"One mistake and you will forever lose your beloved sister as you lost your love babe" She said.

"Sana what do you want?"
"You baby, all I want is you Taehyung" Sana said moving towards him.
"Sana leave my sister and we will talk"

"She is unconscious now.. What will happen when she gains her consciousness and see her beloved brother and husband are Mafia. Poor her will suicide by herself" Said a unknown male voice and they all turned back to find a masked man.

"What do you want?" Jin finally asked.
"I want your destruction for killing my girlfriend who was everything to me"
"That's not important"

"Take there guns away" Sana said and he took every gun with him.


Mary was designing pink gown for her little angel in a cafe when she felt someone's presence in front of her.
She looked up and found her two crack head clients.

"Hi Mary" Rosé said
"How are you?" Lisa asked
"Hi you two and I'm fine" Mary said and they all talked for sometime.

Mary decided to visit Taehyung and talk about something related to his design.
She asked these two crazy heads to join her.

Three of them reached the company and this time the receptionist didn't stopped them.
"I will be at Jimin's cabin and she will be with Jungkook" Rosé announced and walked away leaving Mary alone.

Mary knocked. Not getting any response she walked inside to find a very messy office. She decided to go back but something caught her attention.

She walked towards his table and found a frame of her with Him.
"I really look like her" She said caressing the frame and keeping it back.
She looked at laptop which was on the ground and was not off.

She saw and panicked..
"What should I do?"
"Whom should I inform"
"They kidnapped her.. Jisoo unnie" She said and rushed.
Noting the adresss.

She messaged Rosé the adresss and asked her to bring police.

She drove to that place.

Opening the door she found no one.
She was afraid to walk inside.
But she somewhat did it.
Jisoo's picture in his laptop encouraged her.
"Little angel I will save your mumma" Saying this she walked inside and saw Jisoo was hanging upstairs.

Her heart stopped beating.

I need to find others first in order to save Jisoo.
She found guns were kept on the table she took two guns and hid them in her pockets and walked inside a room.

Someone's yellings..
Whip sounds..

She rushed inside hiding from everyone.
There she saw two people beating Jin.
She crawled towards other three who were tied to chairs.

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