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normal hustle bustle in Seoul national university as the Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors were preparing to welcome the Freshers of the year.

As the sun was setting behind the horizon their hard work was paying off the SNU was looking like a newly wedded bride with lots of decorations and all.

The party was arraigned in the lawn behind the SNU. Juniors were busy checking the last time preparation. Sophomores were welcoming the Freshers and Seniors were that disturbed as they have to prepare for their final exam.

The loud music bursted off indicating the party has started and the girls presented themselves onto the dance floor to show off their talent.

It seems as it was a dance battle going on between the sophomores and Freshers as they were dancing alternatively. The boys were cheering the girls..

"Let's show them what dance is"

Stood on dance floor she is Lalisa. Kang Lalisa. A fresher in business department. She dances with all her energy shocking many girls on the dance floor. The cheers went loud as soon as she started showing off her dance moves.

"You got it Lalisa"

Screaming her lungs out she is park Chaeyoung a medical aspirant a blonde headed she doesn't look alike a nerd. It doesn't mean she isn't smart or intelligent she is a topper.

"You did amazing girl I'm very shocked to see your energetic moves" Said Bae Irene who accepted her defeat offering her hand to Lisa.

"You too were no less"


The party forwarded very gracefully. The classes will begin after two weeks as the first week was for their trip. Yes a academic trip. The second week was for the students to say goodbye to their parents properly. As it is mandatory for students to stay at dorms before the next semester will start.

Some freshers found sneaking into a isolated area.

"What are we doing here. Didn't you heard mam saying it's prohibited to come here?" A girl asked.

"Well you are no fun we are not those high schoolers any more we are grown up so be daring girl" The boy replied.

"Breaking rules is damn adventurous" The second girl said.

"That's why we are here" Boy replied and they three walked towards a corner where it was full dark. The three of them wanted to see why it's banned to go there.

But to their dismay there was a huge iron gate locked with a huge lock and chains like the authorities knew someone will sneak and they won't wanna take any risks.

"Shit what now?" The first girl asked.
"It's locked" The second girl said.
"No adventure let's return back before anyone will catch us" The boy said and three of them walked away.


"Lisa slow down" Chaeyoung said following the long legged Lisa.
But Lisa who was in no mood to listen just walked forward.

"Kang Lalisa care to tell us where are we going?"

Came the voice of Jennie Kim a Burrennet a law student. With a cleaver attitude Jennie Kim never fails to lose using her lawyer mind and tricks.

She is best friend of both Lisa and Chaeyoung from long. Three of them know each other since they were 14.

"We are following those three who sneaked here a few minutes ago" Lisa said stopping in her place.

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