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Last Chapter of series here it is.......

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Taehyung opened his eyes as sun rays fell upon him disturbing his sleep. He felt his head will blast at any moment.
He blinked his eyes to adjust the brightness..

He found himself in different surroundings he sat and observed his surroundings.

The only thing he saw was black vertical lines which were none other than bars of cage. He was in cage..

He tried to open the cage door but it was locked with a heavy big lock and key wasn't seen anywhere. He soon heard some noises he turned his head to find His mother, Father, Brother, Sister-in-law were at same condition as his.

Soon his eyes traveled to another corner and he found Princess Lying unconsciously, Roseanne was sitting at her head worried. Jimin and Jungkook were tied to each other and they eyes we're blindfolded. Lisa was comforting Roseanne. Hoseok was trying to find a way out.

"Interesting" Hoseok said.
"The way they designed the cage is quite impressive as there is no way to escape" He continues inspecting with magnifying glass.

"Is it the time to praise that piece of shit" Jin rapped. "Holy shit!!" Jungkook exclaimed.
"Is it time to joke around?" Lisa asked.
"Guys please be serious" Jisoo came forward.

"Who said I'm joking I was saying that.. Holy shit!! I think I'm high on the drug of yesterday's night as I'm feeling as I'm flying" Currently blind Jungkook said.

"It's because we actually are" King Namjoon who was done with all this nonsense.
"We aren't birds King. But I'm hearing sound of water" Jimin who too is a blind replied.

"Because we are on the pool" Jihyo said.
"Queen I think you too are high on drugs if we were on water why won't we will be wet?" Jungkook said. And Jimin agreed.

"Where is that person who blindfolded them? I want them to shut their mouth also" The silent Roseanne finally said something.

"Guys look down" Lisa said.
"Yea it's dark here" Jimin said.
"I can't see anything" Jungkook said

"Ahh ahh ahhh" Hoseok's voice echoed the cage. He soon jumped and came at center of the cage.
Soon everyone followed Lisa and peaked down and saw something that they weren't supposed to see at the moment.

"What it is?" Jungkook asked.
"Please someone untie their blindfold" Roseanne said and Lisa being near to them helped them.

"Wow we are in cage" Jungkook said.
"What's the thing to say Wow Jk?" Jimin asked.
"You can say I'm excited as I never was in cage before"
"Like I was born in a cage"
"Who knows"
"What you mean?"
"Shut up guys please argue looking at the matter and the situation we are in is won't suitable for you to argue" Jisoo said calmly.

"By the way what's down?" Jungkook asked looking down and Jimin followed him.

"They are cute" The three words that left Jungkook's mouth as soon as he looked down.
As soon As The three words, the elven letters, the five vowels and six consonants did left His mouth every eyes snapped towards him.

"Are you serious Jungkook?" Jin asked.
"From which angle that ugly dangerous big lizard looks cute" Hoseok said looking at him as if he had grown two horns on his head.

"It's Crocodile" Namjoon said.

They were currently at cage and the cage is literally flying in air. And below the cage it was indoor palace pool were some crocodiles were swimming or shall I say staring their meal which was currently in air.

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