Chapter 6

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I managed to find Ellie dancing with her friends in what I will call "Living Room #5" (given I went through another 4 trying to find her).  My mind was still all over the place after what had just happened with Jared, and I'm 97.35% sure I didn't imagine it, given I could still taste the beer on my lips.
I had been in two minds about what to tell her, but decided to leave the kiss out, as I didn't want to be the one to out him if he wasn't ready.  Mind you, considering he kissed me in the open where anyone could have seen us, I'm pretty sure he wasn't hiding it, but at the same time, was he actually not straight?  Or did he just want to be a tease? It was so hard to tell, but one thing I knew is that he wasn't the sort of guy to do something without thinking about it first.
The problem is, Ellie knew me better than anyone, and she could tell from one glance that I had something on my mind.
After excusing herself from her friends, Ellie walked over to me.  "Ok, spill.  What happened?  Where have you been?"
"Uh, I'm not sure how much I can really say ..." I offered meekly.
"Yeah, nah, you're not getting away with that tonight.  Spill."  I admit, Ellie can be pretty menacing when she's demanding.
I looked around, then grabbed Ellie's arm and led her outside to where it was more quiet and private.  Once we found a place where I was sure nobody could hear us, I sat us down.  "I think he might just be drunk, but ... Jared kissed me."
Ellie's eyes went wide with shock.  "What?" she squealed.  I shushed her, afraid someone might want to know what was going on.  Looking around, however, it seemed no one had even paid attention to it.
"Like I said, he might just be drunk, but ... even if he meant it, it might not be something he wants everyone to know about, especially after he and Stefi just broke up."
"I mean, you're right," Ellie began, "but if he didn't want anyone to know, do you really think he would do it at a crowded party like this?"
"Hidden in plain sight?" I offered.
"Maybe.  Either way, you need to keep me updated about this."  And there was that demanding side again. As she began to walk back inside, she half-turned, and did the universal "I'm watching" sign.
Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything, but I knew it would be worse to keep a secret from Ellie.

Around 11pm, just as the night was really starting to hit off, I had gone out the front for a smoke when I saw the last person I expected to see walking towards the front door.  Stefi looked like she had been crying, but the way she walked showed she had been drinking as well.
From where I stood, I couldn't hear much, but from what I could see, and what I heard from Ellie later, it seems like the following occurred:
i) Stefi walked in;
ii) Stefi asked where "that bastard" was;
iii) Jared's friends took her outside to get some fresh air;
iv) Stefi threw up all over Gaurav's new top;
v) Jared came to speak to Stefi, which resulted in Stefi yelling and screaming, then storming off;
vi) Stefi runs out of the house crying, and leaves.
Needless to say, despite the whispers going around, which will no doubt result in more rumours, the party continued on as if nothing happened.
Around an hour later, Ellie was exhausted (and drunk), so we decided to head off.  I arranged an Uber while Ellie walked around saying her goodbyes and hugging everyone.  I tried looking around for Jared, but couldn't see him, so I figured he was just laying low after Stefi's gatecrash.
On our way home, we passed Stefi staggering home.  If it had been anyone else, I would have offered a ride, but with the way she had treated me over the past few years, it felt good to just keep driving.  However, to quote a song by Skunk Anansie, just because you feel good, doesn't make it right, and that's a lesson I learnt the hard way that night.

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