Chapter 23

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"So," Mum asked as soon as I entered the kitchen.  "How was your night?  Tell me all about it."  The way she held her mug as she smiled at me reminded me of Gollum protecting his 'precious'.
I smiled, knowing that Mum loved to live vicariously through my life, especially when it involved going out for a celebration.  "I think it may have been one of the best nights of my life," I sighed, contentedly.
As I relayed the events of the evening to her, she ooh'd and awww'd at all the right moments.  Of course, being the drama queen that I am, I had to draw out the moment Kai interrupted.  Mum was so on-the-edge-of-her-seat that she almost fell off it.  When I revealed it was Kai, she laughed so hard that she actually slipped off.
"And, after that, we watched a movie, and ... went to bed," I said with a sly grin, letting her know there was more to tell, but it would remain unsaid.
Mum stood up, walked over, gave me a hug, and kissed my forehead.  "I'm so glad you guys are together now.  I always considered Jared like another son, but a son-in-law is just as good."  She ruffled my hair, knowing full well that I hated it being messed up.  I shot her mock daggers as I did my best to put it all back in place without the use of a mirror.
"I need to go to work, but I've left your present on your bed and would love to see your reaction before I leave ..." Mum's head followed me as I ran to my room while she was halfway through the sentence.
I looked on my bed, and didn't see anything that didn't belong there ... until I walked closer, and saw a small box sitting on my pillow.  Hey, my pillowcases are pretty damn colourful, so it blended in from a distance.  Give me a break.
I sat on the bed, picking up the box.  There was a card sitting under it, so I held both up and looked at Mum, who was leaning on the door frame, silently asking which one I should open first.  She indicated the card, so I ripped the envelope open, and read the generic message in it, before reading Mum's cursive writing:

To my darling Spencer,

We wish you the very happiest of birthdays, this being your first of being an adult.  We hope all your dreams come true, but remember the responsibilities that come with your new gift ;)

Love forever & always,
Mum & Dad

Responsibilities with my new gift?  I looked at the present sitting on the bed, then looked at Mum.  "Well, it's too small to be a puppy or kitten, so ..." I heard Mum giggle as I reached for the package.
I looked up at her, as my finger teased the edge of the wrapping, threatening to rip it open.  While the anticipation was killing me, I was hesitant to open it.  There was something about the thrill of the unknown that was exciting.  Mum, however, did not find it exciting, and urged me to hurry up, reminding me she needed to go to work.
As I slid my finger under the wrapping paper, I watched Mum, and saw her getting more excited than I felt.  Ok, this was going to be interesting.  My mind was already racing to think of what could be so amazing, but in such a small box.  I decided to put us both out of our miseries and rip the paper off.
I feel that underwhelmed was an understatement at this point in time.  I was literally looking at a small, plain, black cardboard box.  Mum suddenly appeared next to me, eagerness written all over her face as she encouraged me to open it.  Lifting the lid, I saw a key that looked just like our garage key.  I held it up, confused, which made Mum grab my hand and drag me out of the room and to the garage.
We stood there a moment, before Mum's voice chimed in.  "As I'm sure you said last night, hurry up and stick it in!"
Oh my God!  Mother!
I mean, she isn't wrong, but still, that isn't something she should be saying.
But ... I followed her instructions, put the key in the door, opened it, and ....
"Uh, Mum, why is there a brand new, red, Toyota in the garage?"  I turned to Mum, confused as fuck .... and then it hit me.  "Wait, YOU BOUGHT ME A CAR????" I squealed.
Mum nodded, and I jumped all over her, wrapping my arms and legs around her, kissing her multiple times on the cheek.
Once her laughter settled down, she handed me the keys and told me to check the console. I snatched them from her and ran in, opened the door, sat in the drivers seat (oh man, this felt so good!) and checked the console, only to find another envelope.  This time, I didn't wait.  Opening the envelope, there was a booking slip to go for my license test today.
I looked from the paper to Mum, and back again several times, before I screamed so loud I probably woke Stefi and Milo from their eternal slumber.  I ran to Mum again, and gave her a huge hug.
"Have I told you I love you anytime recently?" I smiled.
"It's been a while since you said it, but I know you do," she laughed.  "I love you too sweetie.  Now, we'd better get ready for your test.  Go have a shower, you smell like sex."
"Mother!" I exclaimed, before smelling myself.  "I mean, you're right, but still!"  Then I remembered something.  "Wait, don't you have work?"
Mum smiled at me.  "Not until you get your license," she winked.

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