Chapter 16

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After Jared's public coming out at school, the day was fairly uneventful, aside from a few people congratulating him, and telling us that BJ's shooting down was epic.  Personally, I wasn't sure what our thing was, and I was fine if it was just a FWB situation, but after the spectacle we made of ourselves, I needed to know if we were official or not, so I knew where we stood.
"Honestly, I think it's pretty obvious," Jared said while holding both my hands in his.  We were sitting on a bench facing the car park.  "I'm not the sort to have sex unless I have feelings for someone."  He started getting a bit of a faraway look in his eyes, as if he was remembering something.  "Ok, should we make it official?  Will you be my boyfriend?"
I leaned in and kissed him.  "Do you really think I would say no to that?"
Jared laughed, then looked at me.  "I have a question for you.  Who was your gay awakening?"
"Oh, that's easy," I replied.  "Johnny Depp in Nightmare On Elm Street."
Jared laughed.  "Fuck, I forgot about you and your horrors."
"Hey, he was hot back then.  Even later.  Ok, what about yours?  Who was your gay ... well, pan ... awakening?"
Jared looked a bit embarrassed.  "Honestly?"  He looked up into my eyes, and held my hands tighter.  "You."
"Me?"  I was shocked.  How could I be someone's gay awakening?
"I had a crush on you before I even knew what a crush was.  Even the whole time I was with Stef, I had feelings for you."
I was stunned.  I know he told me that he had always liked me recently, but to be the one who made him realise he liked guys?  I think I had always found Jared hot, but assumed that a) he was straight, and b) there was no way someone as hot as him could be interested in me.  And now, I'm finding out I'M the reason he knew he liked guys?
"Why have I never heard this until now?" I asked, even though I think I knew the answer.
"Because I was embarrassed.  I didn't want to fuck up the friendship we had.  Even though I feel that's exactly what I did when I started going out with Stef."
"I don't think it was you who fucked it up.  I got a bit jealous she was taking you away, and I think she knew that and used it to her advantage."  Just then, I thought of something.  "Hang on, how did your family take your coming out?"
"They were fine with it.  Kris found out because he was listening in, but he says he always knew I was a 'bit suss'" Jared laughed.  "I mean, he should know, he's the one studying Theatre in Sydney."
I laughed.  Kris was Jared's older brother, and we always got along pretty well.  Sure, he would always stir up Jared when they were younger, but that's what older brothers do.  They were still close growing up, so I wasn't surprised that he had no problem with Jared being non-cishet.  I was a bit surprised his parents were so accepting, but at the same time, they did spend time with all sorts of people in their work, so I guess it made sense.
"You know what?  I have an idea," Jared said.  "And no, get your mind out of the gutter."
I laughed, knowing he had read my mind.  "Ok, what's the idea?"  I said as I ran a hand along his inner thigh.
"How long has it been since we lay on your bed watching American Werewolf In London?" Jared smiled at me.
Oh my god!  Now THAT brought back memories of when we used to hang out as kids. Now to bring it forward to us as boyfriends, it felt like we were coming full circle.

"Mum?" I called out as we walked in the door.  "Dad?  Are you guys home?"
"We're in here," Mum's voice came from the kitchen.  I signaled Jared to wait, then walked to the fridge to grab a drink.  "How was school?"
"Yeah, not bad," I replied as I opened a can of Cola.  "Not much happened ... except I kinda have a boyfriend now."
I sheepishly looked up, and saw my parents looking at each other with a smile.  Mum then put her serious face on but before she could speak, I cut her off.
"Before you do the 20 questions, let me introduce you."  I turned back towards the door and called out "Boyfriend, you can come in now."  After a moment, Jared popped his head around the corner, and I turned to look at Mum.
A look of confusion crossed her face, but it was quickly replaced with excitement.  Dad was still in the confused stage, as Mum squealed like she was my age.  "Omigod Jared!  How are you sweetie?  It's been so long!"
As Mum ran over to give him a massive hug, Dad started laughing.  I gave him an inquisitive look, and he got up, gave Jared a hug, then turned to my Mum.  "So, I think with inflation, that $50 bet would be around $200 now?"
"Wait, what?  What bet?" I asked.
Mum gave Dad a playful slap on the arm.  "When you two used to have sleepovers, we were wondering how long it would be before the sleepovers became something more.  We always knew you two would be good together, but we didn't expect it to take you two so long to figure it out!"
I looked at Jared, who seemed equally confused and amused.  I was still on the former.  "Wait, let me get this straight.  You always thought we would end up together?"
Mum and Dad both nodded, still smiling.  Then Dad pulled us all in for another big hug, which was weird because Dad wasn't much of a hugger.  I guess this showed how much he wanted this.
About 5 seconds past the moment it became awkward, I pulled away.  "Ok, ok, so now that that's out of the way, we're going to go watch a movie."
"Ok, have fun." Mum called out after us.
"Let me know if you need some more condoms," Dad yelled out.  "I think I still have a couple spare."
GROSS!  Does that mean my parents are still fucking?  Ok, that was an instant boner killer!  But then a thought crossed my mind, a way to throw it back to them.
"I think we have enough in these two packets," I yelled back.  "Just make sure you turn the TV volume up LOUD."

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