Chapter 15

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The next morning, I was woken by Ellie calling me, asking if I wanted to meet up for a coffee before school.  I was still tired due to texting Jared until around 3am, and figured some caffeine might help me last through the day, so I took her up on the offer.
When I arrived at the cafe, Ellie was sitting waiting for me, already with a coffee in hand.  In true gayboi fashion, I ordered an iced coffee, then took my seat at the table with her.  A few moments of silence followed, until Ellie broke it with a question I had been avoiding.
"Are we ok?  You seem distant ever since Stefi went missing."  She looked at me closely, as if searching for the answers in my eyes.
"Yeah, we are," I responded with what little enthusiasm I could muster.  "I know things have felt off, but I can't work out why.  You haven't done anything wrong, so I figured maybe I had done something ..."
"... or someone." Ellie muttered under her breath.
"Huh?" I asked, even though I heard her clearly.
"Nothing," she said, before staring into her coffee.
"Spencer?" The barista called out, so I went to get my drink, and came back.  As I sat down, Ellie took a deep breath.
"I'm probably just being paranoid, but it seems like ever since you hooked up with Jared, I've been brushed aside.  And I know, I know what you are like when you get a new crush, but ..."  She stared into her coffee again, and it looked like she was trying to choose her words carefully.  Before she continued, she looked up at me, and I could see she was on the verge of tears.  "I'm just worried about you.  I know you have had feelings for him for a long time ..."
"I haven't ..." I started, but Ellie stopped me.
"I know you haven't said it, but I could tell.  The way you always looked at him, and defended him whenever I said something negative.  But ... he just lost his girlfriend, and I'm worried you might just be a rebound, and I really don't want you to get hurt."
I reached out my hand and placed it over hers.  "I promise you," I told her, looking into her eyes and squeezing her hand, "I know what I'm doing.  If I get hurt, I only have myself to blame.  We're just having fun, that's all.  He's in shock over Stefi, and I'm just being a good samaritan."
Ellie laughed at that.  "Oh, I didn't know he was a charity case.  Maybe I should help out too."
Thankfully, I knew Ellie wasn't the sort to sleep with someone unless they were in a relationship with her.  A small part of me, however, was worried, just in case there actually was some jealousy on her part.
"Look, I'm happy that you're happy, and having fun, but just ... be careful, ok?  I hate seeing you get hurt."
"I won't get hurt.  I promise."  I gave Ellie's hand a squeeze.  "So anyway, enough about me.  How are you?  How's your insomnia going?"

Somehow, despite having a strong iced coffee in the morning, and an espresso during my first break, I was ready to fall asleep by lunchtime.  Jared was back at school today, and he didn't look much more alert as he sat next to me.  I lay my arms on the table, using them as a pillow while looking at Jared.  He did the same, looking at me.  While my eyes were transfixed on his, my ears were hearing whispering, somehow more loud than the shouts around us.
"I think they're talking about us," I murmured.
"Does it look like I care?" Jared whispered back, staring into my eyes and smiling.  I honestly don't think I've ever seen a cuter side of Jared than right now.  It was so innocent, a stark contrast to the way things have been with us the last couple of weeks.  It made me feel so relaxed, carefree.  If I could make this moment last forever, I would be happy, but my lower back decided that wasn't a realistic option, as it started aching from the angle I was leaning at.
I sat up, put my hand on my lower back, and leaned back, trying to crack it, or put it in place, or whatever it is that it does.  Then I felt another hand on my back, as Jared placed some pressure on it.  The other hand went to my chest, as he pushed them towards each other.
"Any change?" he asked me.  When I shook my head, he told me to turn to the side, then started massaging my back.  While I tried to keep my eyes closed, I opened them slightly to look around, seeing a number of girls watching us, and whispering to each other.  The confused look on their faces made me laugh.  Hey, it's about time the twink got the guy, isn't it?
At that moment, I was lurched forward as Jared fell into me.  I was so confused, until I heard a gruff voice somewhere close behind me.
"So you're a faggot now, huh?  Is that why Stef had to die?  So your little secret didn't get out?"
Great.  It was BJ Simmons.  He was friend-zoned by Stefi in like Primary School and never got himself out of there.  He had the biggest hard-on for her, and it was painfully embarrassing to watch him follow her like a stray dog whenever she was around.  Trust him to connect the dots and come up with a different picture than anyone else.
"Uh, I'm not sure if you noticed, but I'm not trying to keep anything a secret.  If I was afraid of people finding out I'm PAN," - and yes, he emphasised the word for BJ's benefit - "then would I do this in front of all these people?"
And right then, as if I wasn't shocked enough already, Jared grabbed my face, and practically swallowed it with a massive kiss.  Once the wolf-whistles and jeers piqued, he turned back to BJ.  "Stefi and I were having problems for ages, and she knew from the start I liked guys, so that had nothing to do with why she broke up with me.  Oh, and for the record, since I am not a "vampire"" - yes, complete with air-quotes - "I have no idea why she died.  I wish she didn't, but I never hurt her.  So, in the future, before you start getting rough with someone and throwing around accusations that are both antiquated and incorrect, try getting your facts straight."
BJ looked around the room.  Everyone was looking at us, and seemed to be laughing at BJ.  I didn't get to see much more, because Jared grabbed my hand and led us out of the room, high-fiving a few guys on the way out.

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