Chapter 10

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By the time school came around again Monday, everyone was talking about Stefi.  Many of those who attended the party had been interviewed by the police.  When it came to my turn, I told them what I saw, but left out the kiss between Jared and I (well, to be fair, they didn't ask).  Since our Uber confirmed we didn't stop from when we were picked up to when we got home, Ellie and I weren't suspects, so we were let go fairly quickly.
The mood at school was really heavy - I guess, just the type of mood you would expect when the Queen Bee of the school gets murdered.  Each class, half the students were missing.  Some didn't come into school at all, and others took advantage of the counsellors that the school had arranged.
Even the teachers weren't making any effort to teach anything.  The kids who were usually rowdy were quiet.  Ms Huang, our science teacher, even turned her class into a discussion about anything we wanted to talk about, and remembering Stefi.  Somehow, despite how - how to put this nicely - unintelligent Stefi was at a lot of things, she was one of the best science students at our school, and, as such, was one of Ms Huang's favourite students.
By lunchtime, the school had given up even the half-assed effort it was making, and let us finish early.  Whilst I was in shock, I didn't really miss her, so I figured I would just go to the shopping centre and walk around.
When I got there, I wandered around, checking out JB Hi-Fi, as well as a few clothing stores.  Despite having bought some clothes only a few days ago, window shopping was my favourite part of retail therapy.  Whether I could afford something or not, I always felt better imagining something was mine.  In some situations, the desire to own it felt better than actually owning it.
After about half an hour, I went to the food court and bought an iced coffee, then sat down to rest.  All of a sudden, I started crying.  Tears were literally streaming down my face, and I was wailing like a banshee.  People were looking, and I was so embarrassed, but I couldn't stop it.  One lady who looked to be about my mothers age came over to ask if I was ok, and I sobbed that I had no idea why I was crying, which was true.  She pulled me in for an embrace, and held me until I was able to get myself under control.
Once I had settled down, she asked again if I was ok.  When I nodded, she asked if this was because of "that poor girl".  I searched my mind for any other possible reason why I would be crying and couldn't come up with anything, so I nodded.
"I don't know why though," I told her.  "We weren't close at all.  Like, she was in my year level, but we weren't friends."
"Sometimes, it's not the loss of a friend that upsets us," the lady began, rubbing my back with the palm of her hand.  "It's the shock that something so horrible can happen to someone we know, whether we like them or not.  Perhaps it's a case of 'it won't happen to me ... until it does'.  Do you think that could be it?"
I thought about what she said, and realised she may be onto something.  When I watched movies, I saw plenty of people killed, but it was all pretend.  When I watched the news or documentaries, people were killed, but I didn't know anything about them.  Now, however, someone from my school, someone I had shared classes with for 5 years, had been brutally murdered.  I never thought something like this would happen to me - this was the sort of thing you would see in true crime shows.
I looked at the lady, and gave her another embrace.  "Thank you.  I think I needed that," I told her.  "I think I'm ok now, and I've embarrassed myself enough, so I'm going to go."
The lady chuckled.    "There's nothing embarrassing about crying, or showing your true feelings.  It takes a real man to do that.  It also takes a real man to wear nail polish like that too!" 
A real man?  Wow, I hadn't been called that in ... well, ever!  I looked at my nails, which were purple today, smiled at the lady, thanked her again, and left.  I honestly don't remember the last time I cried like that, and I certainly didn't expect to be shedding any tears over someone who barely said a nice thing to me her entire life.  I wasn't sure how to feel about it, but whatever I felt, I didn't like it.  I needed to do something I did enjoy, so I took out my phone, and texted Jared.

A couple of hours later, I was laying naked in Jared's bed, his arm around me, my head on his chest.  Hearing his heartbeat relaxed me more than I ever thought it could, as my own heart started syncing with his.  I started tracing lines around his belly button, thankful he wasn't ticklish.
"Mmmm, that feels so good," he told me for the tenth time.  "Keep going and I might fall asleep."
I moved my hand slightly so that my finger traced a line a little lower.  "Still getting sleepy?" I asked.
"Keep doing that, and we might have to have round 2," he grinned at me.  As much as I wanted that, I'm not sure my body was ready for another round.  I'm not exactly 'vanilla', but when it comes to sex, Jared is probably the roughest guy I've been with.  Not that I'm complaining, at all, but there's only so much power-pounding my ass can take.  But then I got an idea.
"What if," I began slowly, tracing my finger up towards Jared's chest.  "You weren't in control?"
Jared arched an eyebrow at me.  "I don't have any handcuffs, if that's what you mean."
"I'm sure we can improvise," I winked, as I stood up and walked over to his wardrobe.  It felt strange to be walking naked in another boy's bedroom, but I knew we were alone, as his parents had both gone interstate that morning for work.
Opening the wardrobe, I poked my head in and looked around.  "Strange," I mused.
"I thought you would be in here," I said, looking back at Jared.  He picked up a pillow and threw it at me, laughing.  As I threw it back, he threw another at me.  "Ok, that's it," I said, as I reached into the wardrobe and grabbed a couple of his ties.
"Oh, so that's how you wanna play, huh?"  Jared teased.  "You want to pick on poor, defenseless me?"
"I don't know about defenseless, but keep it up and you won't be just a top anymore."
"Who says I'm just a top?" Jared asked, raising his eyebrow again.  I gave him an "oh really" look, before grabbing the ties, and tensing them between my hands.
"I'll have to remember that," I threatened, as I leaned over him.  Jared put his arms up to the headboard, where I tied them down.  I looked at him and pondered.  "Not enough."
"Not enough?  What do you mean, not enough?"
I ignored him, walking over to get another couple of ties, then walked back and moved his feet to the corners of the bed, tying them off.  "That looks better," I smiled, before climbing slowly over the foot of the bed, up towards his face.  As I reached his hips, I put a hand between his legs, lightly rubbing his crack. "So, what were you saying?" I asked.
To my surprise, Jared lifted his hips slightly, all the while maintaining eye contact with me.  "Huh?  I said something?  I can't remember ..."
I laughed, then slid my finger inside his crack, massaging while I leaned down, and placed him in my mouth.  At that moment, Jared's hips lurched forward, so that they were off the bed.  I felt him open up a little, so I took the chance to slide my finger in slightly.  I could feel his legs wanting to lift up, but being held down by the ties, and I heard a groan combined with a moan escape his lips.
I could feel him getting harder in my mouth, so I slid off, and flicked my tongue over the head.  "Oh, fuck you," Jared said between moans.
"Soon," I teased, before moving myself up so that my hips were on his.  I slid my cock between his legs, so that it was rubbing against his taint.  I then started kissing his neck, making sure he was still not in control in any way.
"Ok, you are so evil," Jared laugh/moaned.
"Oh, you have no idea," I teased, sitting back up and on his hips.  I gyrated so that my ass rubbed against his cock, leaning down so my mouth hovered above his lips.  Every time he lifted his head to kiss me, I pulled back.
"Uh-uh, only I get to do that," I told him.
After some more teasing, I asked if he was ready to really be punished.  Without waiting for an answer, I slid him inside me, and rode him slowly at first, then faster.  I reached behind me, sliding two fingers inside him.  Jared let out an almighty "OH MY GOD", then started breathing heavier.  I could see him straining against the ties, wanting to hold me, but I wouldn't let him.
Moving my hips faster, I kept going, my cock standing at attention, until I felt him explode inside me.  At that feeling, I also released, shooting forward.  Since Jared couldn't move out of the way, my entire load landed on his face.  Or, at least, the first squirt did, considering he opened his mouth to try to catch the rest.
Once we both finished, I climbed off him, and lay down beside him.  Catching our breath, Jared asked if I could remove the ties.
"Soon," I replied.  "Once my legs stop being jelly."

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