Chapter 22

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"Oh my God, Kai, you scared the shit out of me!"
Kai stood up, brushing his knees after knocking Jared over.  "Bro, your face!  Priceless," he laughed.
After the night we had had, I didn't expect a) someone else to be around, and b) for either of us to be knocked over.  I had almost forgotten there was a potential serial killer on the loose, but it all came rushing back when Jared got rushed.  Now, though, relief surged through my veins, causing me to giggle even though I was pretty sure I needed to change my jocks.  Or, at least, my pants, considering I was freeballing, given the expectations of the evening.
"What are you even doing here?" Jared asked Kai, confusion now taking over his face.  "I told you I was busy tonight."
"I just wanted to wish my bro a happy birthday," Kai shrugged, turning to me.  He walked over, gave me a hug that lifted me off the ground.  "Happy birthday bro."  Putting me down again, Kai looked at both of us, then grinned, bid us a good night, and left, leaving Jared and I to alternate our stares between the gate and each other.
"Well, that was random," I sighed.
"Yeah," Jared said, still apparently in shock.  After a minute, he shook his head, and turned to me with a mischievous smile.  "Now, where were we?"  He reached around, tapped my arse, and ran off towards the house.
I was still confused for a moment, before my senses kicked in and I took off after him.
Running into the house, Jared beat me by a few seconds, enough time to see some of his clothes had already come off.  Turning around, he winked at me.  "Well, Kai dirtied them, and I can't be dirty now, can I?"
"Oh, you will be dirty soon!" I told him.
"Not yet.  Still got one surprise for you."  Jared grabbed my hand, smiled that smile that I love so much, and led me to a part of the house I hadn't been in yet.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see."  Great.  More surprises.  Normally I hate them, but the way tonight has gone so far, I was intrigued.  Walking past some more artwork of who I assumed to be his ancestors, Jared took me to a room that was dark at first.  He obviously knew his way around though, as he took me to a seat, then told me not to move.  Walking away, I heard a few clicks of a keyboard, then all of a sudden, some light came up as I realised we were in a theatre.  I don't mean a fancy lounge, I mean an ACTUAL theatre in his house.  Looking around in the dim light, I saw there were maybe 50 seats, as Jared came and sat next to me with a remote in his hand.  As he looked at me, he clicked a button on the remote, and the screen lit up with the start of a movie I hadn't seen for years: The Monster Squad.
For the next 80 minutes, we sat there, watching Dracula, The Mummy, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, and the Wolfman (who has nards, just fyi) be defeated by some teens, along with the help of Frankenstein's Monster.  As much as 80s horrors irritated me for the most part, this was a movie that never got old for me.  Jared even brought in popcorn to make it feel realistic, while he laid his head on my shoulder.
As the credits rolled, Jared turned to me, smiling (of course), and asked "Now, what were you saying before about being dirty?"
He didn't have to say anything more, as I began de-robing as I chased him to his room.

I haven't had a lot of birthday parties in my life, but this was by far the best birthday I ever had.  I don't even want to go into details about the sex we had that night, because, after tonight, I had no doubt what "making love" felt like.  It was like every moment I spent with Jared, I loved him more.  It was strange, since we grew up together, to think we were only recently enjoying each other's company in this way.
As we lay on his bed together, my head against his chest, my thoughts wandered to what had brought us together - the sudden break-up of our school's power couple, Jared's birthday party, that kiss, and, going way back, his I-like-boys awakening being me.  He had admitted that he had always had feelings for me, and that was why Stefi hated me so much.
Even though I wished the way we got together had been different, I couldn't argue with the end result.  I was happier than I had ever been, I was welcome and accepted in his friends-group, and, let's face it, the fact he was HOT was definitely not a disappointment.
I never thought I could be this happy.  Hell, I never even thought I deserved to be this happy, but I was, and I wasn't going to let anything get in the way of it.

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