Chapter 20

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It's been 3 days since I got ghosted by Ellie at school.  I've sent like a thousand messages to her, but they were all left on Read, even though she knows this is the easiest way to piss me off.  Despite this, however, I'm more concerned than angry.  Usually she responds to my messages almost instantly, so it's really weird that she would read them, and not respond.  Given how out-of-it she looked when I last saw her, something was definitely not right, but I knew better than to push it any further.  If I was to go looking for her, she would flip, so all I could do is let her know I'm worried, and would be here when she's ready.
Meanwhile, this incident also brought back memories of when Jared was talking to someone when he thought I was asleep.  It definitely sounded like he was talking about me, but I didn't know how to bring it up without sounding suspicious.  The whole city was trying to figure out what was going on with the murders, and I was 99.99999999% sure Jared had nothing to do with it, but that tiny part of me wondered if he had it in him.  I mean, he had a reason to potentially hurt Stefi, but that doesn't mean he would do it, right?  And what about Milo - what possible reason would there be for that?  Or could it be a copycat?
Fuck, my mind was a mess right now, and there was only one cure for that.  Next thing I knew, I was in Jared's bedroom, pushing him onto the bed and telling him "Don't talk, just fuck".

The days were becoming a blur, as my thoughts constantly drifted between Ellie, the murders, and Jared.  His friends were quickly becoming my friends, especially Kai, who even tried to teach me one of his tribes Haka's when he was drunk one night.  Naturally, he couldn't stop laughing at this skinny twink trying to do an intimidating war-dance that looked more like a Gaga rip-off.
Meanwhile, the police were trying to issue a curfew for students at my school, given what happened with Stefi and Milo, but trying to make sure 1,527 teenagers stay home when their friends in other schools were free to roam was like trying to contain a dam using ice-cream sticks.  It really didn't work, so eventually they just made it a "strong recommendation".
As it turned out, I wasn't the only one worried about Ellie - her other friends started messaging me wondering if I had heard from her.  It seems I wasn't the only one she was ghosting, as a few of them had tried messaging her with the same result. Candice Fisher even went to her house to try to talk to her, but was told that she had barely left her room for the past week, and wasn't up to seeing anyone.
Eventually, I decided that she would reach out when she was ready.  She had times when she disappeared for a bit, but it was usually only a couple of days.  I had other things to worry about, like a potential serial killer on the loose.
Also, Jared was starting to be a bit secretive, hiding his phone when I entered the room, etc.  I knew he wasn't cheating on me or anything, as this wasn't the sort of person he was, but it made me feel a bit weird that he was hiding something from me.  I admit, I can be a bit emotional at times too, but I didn't want to ruin this relationship by distrusting him.  As it turns out, I didn't have to wait long for answers.

With everything going on, I totally forgot what time of year it was until Mum woke me up one morning with a cupcake and candle, singing "Happy Birthday".  And then the realisation sunk in: I was 18.  I was officially legal.  I could go for my license.  I could drink (not that I hadn't drunk before).
And then all the messages started flooding in on my phone, including, surprisingly, one from Ellie. I replied, trying to start a conversation, but the only response I got back was a <3 reaction to my "thank you" text.  But hey, progress is progress, right?
By the time I got to school, I had messages from most of my family and schoolmates, including some I had never even met, but none from Jared.  Surely, if almost-strangers were wishing my a happy birthday, my boyfriend should too, right?
I tried not to let it get to me, and acted cool whenever we saw each other, but I didn't want to sound needy by bringing it up, so I let it slide ... for now.  During our final period, which we had together, Jared slid me a note.  My first thought was "what are we, Year 8?", but that thought quickly disappeared when I read what he wrote.

To my darling boyfriend,

Words cannot describe the joy you have given me since we reconnected.Even though you may not realise how much you mean to me, I want to show you tonight.Be ready at 6pm for a night you will never forget.Yours forever,

Jared xoxo

All of a sudden, in the middle of Mr Harrison talking about Pythagorus' Theorum, my eyes started leaking.  I sniffled, and quickly wiped them away with my sleeve.  Jared looked at me concerned, but I smiled back, holding up the paper and nodding my head to let him know I was excited.  Maybe he hadn't forgotten after all ...

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