Chapter 7 - Busted!

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A/N: Long chapter

As soon as they came into the house, Prez was waiting in the hallway for them. He didn't say anything, just pointed to his office. "Dot, I'd like for you to join us please." Prez said as Ace started to tell Prez that he was going to help Dot with her packages and then he would come to see him.

"Have a seat please." Prez said shortly and their butts had barely hit their seats when Prez said,

"Dot, there is a reason we have rules in this club and I realize that you are unaware of those reasons but they were put in place for EVERYONE's safety. I don't know where you two went because I sent men out looking for you and everyone has reported back that they have not been able to find you anywhere within the town limits of Winchester. That search wasted valuable gas and man hours, which this club can not afford to do. Not to mention the level of stress that we all had to go through thinking something had happened to you.

Ace, you are not new to this club and you know better than this. Where the hell were you guys? What if we had had a mission? What if the house had come under attack? You could have been coming back unaware and could have driven right into a shit show with an innocent with you. You didn't even bother to check in when you just dumped Robbie and Diana off at the door! And without even telling them where you were going! What were you thinking, taking off like that? Why didn't you answer your phone?" Prez said, finally running out of air.

"Sorry, Prez. We went shopping for a new dress for Dot so that she would have something to wear for our date tonight. We didn't want to tell the kids because they would have wanted to go with us and we were running out of time. My phone must be on silent since I never heard it." Ace said. "But don't worry. We learned our lesson today about going alone and it won't happen again."

"What do you mean?" Prez asked.

"We, um, almost had a run in with some Vipers. Dot was in Victoria Secrets and I was standing across the hallway when I spotted 5 of them headed for the food court. I had to spend 80 bucks on a plain down jacket just to get by them." Ace said.

Prez rubbed his hand over his face and said "You both had better say your blessings tonight that you didn't get spotted. While you were gone, we had a little excitement here. Cinder's best friend called crying, saying that someone was manhandling her. Scar had to practically hog tie Cinder to keep her from running off to help her. You are not going to even guess who's made a new love match." Prez said, his scowl finally breaking as he got a grin on his face when Ace asked "Who?"

"Spokes. Natalie had to sit on Cinder to keep her from going but she showed Scar, Spokes, Thor and Trusty a picture of her friend so they went along with team 1 and got her. I thought I was going to have to tell Doc to sedate Cinder because she kept trying to get out of the house. I finally had the prospects take her back tire off of her truck and we locked up all of the other vehicle keys in here so that if she managed to get out, she would have to call for a cab or walk.

Anyway, Thor and Trusty got back first and told us how Spokes had looked when he had first seen her. They said it looked like a cartoon character and someone had hit him on the head with a 2 x 4. They have been teasing him about needing a chin strap to keep his tongue in his mouth." Prez chuckled. "I have to admit, she's a beauty! She's as small as Hope, but jet black hair, ivory skin and big blue eyes like Diana's. Your eyes are beautiful too, Dot and a very unusual color." Prez said.

"Better be careful Amanda doesn't hear you complimenting other women on how pretty their eyes are or you will be sleeping on the floor until your son is a year old." Ace said.

"You know for yourself, no one can hold a candle to my Amanda for me but I'm not blind." Prez said, practically. "So tell me about Paris. Did you have any issues there?"

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