Chapter 16 - The threat is over and Spokes story

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When they reached the dining room, Wheels saw that Prez and Amanda were already eating so he gave a loud whistle and said "Hey, listen up everyone. This is my lady, April. She is not only untouchable, she is "don't come within ten feet of her".

Everyone laughed but called out their welcomes to April, who blushed and waved then said "Thank you!" They got into line and made their plates and went to sit down next to Thor when he waved them over.

"April, this is Thor and his ole' lady, Natalie. Thor's bachelor's party is tonight. Natalie, I have never thought to ask but when is your bachelorette party?" Wheels asked.

"Tomorrow. Andy is going to make a special lunch for us ladies since most of the men will have hangovers tomorrow, I'm sure. April, you are more than welcome to join us. Mrs. Allen wanted to do it at her house but we finally convinced her that it would be better to do it here since we're still in partial lock down." Natalie said.

"Neither Tasha nor I are big drinkers and since some of the remaining women are expecting, our party is going to be rather subdued but that's fine by me. I really don't want to walk down the aisle to Thor with a hangover." Natalie said.

"Well, we're going to get my stuff from my old house today but we should be back in plenty of time. I don't have much to bring with me yet and a lot of what I had brought back with me from Tennessee is still in boxes. I'll have to spend at least one whole day there getting rid of stuff, emptying it out so that it can be sold." April said. "I need to find a moving company that will haul what I don't want to keep, which is most of it, to the thrift store."

"Don't worry about having help with moving. We've got the trucks to haul whatever you need moved and muscular men to help you pack and with the heavy lifting. Wheels, you guys decide what April will be keeping and just bring it here or if it's more than can fit in your room, then take it to a storage unit. Then the guys can go in and pack up the rest and take it wherever you want. Talk to Prez and Bullet about getting it put on the schedule." Thor said.

"Thank you! That will save me a bundle." April said.

They chatted while they ate breakfast and as soon as they were done, Wheels said "Come on April. I want to introduce you to our Queen and I need to get permission for at least one of the prospects to go with us. Excuse us, guys. Thor, I'll see you later?" Wheels said, as he stood up and helped April with her chair.

They stood up and walked over to the executive table and Wheels introduced April to Amanda. "Welcome to the Rescuers MC, April. You certainly look a whole lot better this morning than you did when we found you on the side of the road last night. I understand that you and Wheels grew up together?" Amanda asked as she finished her juice. She was finally getting used to not being able to have coffee anymore so her mood swings weren't as bad as they had been.

"Thank you and yes I do feel better. When I came back to Winchester, I thought Jake had moved away. I was really surprised that it was him that ended up rescuing me last night." April said.

"Prez, April wants to go to her house to get some of her stuff so she's not having to rewear the same clothes over and over. Is it okay if I take Beau with me? We shouldn't be gone long. We need to see what she needs to get rid of and an idea of how much room she's going to need to store the stuff she wants to keep." Wheels asked.

"Oh, if you guys are going to town, would you mind going to Walmart for me for a couple of things? Oh and check with Andy that he doesn't need anything for tonight or tomorrow. I think he said he had everything but you never know." Amanda said.

"Sure. Take the big SUV so that you've got plenty of room." Prez said.

"Thanks!" Wheels said and then led April over to where Beau was sitting and asked him to go with them. "Amanda needs some things from Walmart and I have to check with Andy if he needs anything but we're just going to wash up. Can you bring a big SUV to the front door and then come with us?"

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