Chapter 15 - Wheels & April's stories

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Wheels wanted to take her to his room but knew without being told that she needed time to deal with what had happened to her so he led April to one of the rescue rooms and unlocked the door for her.

He handed her the key and then stood just looking at her for a minute. She was even prettier than he had remembered. A little thicker than she had been 3 years ago and definitely more developed! He really wanted to know what happened the day she had disappeared but he could tell she was tired.

"April, I know you are tired. You've been through a lot tonight. But I really want to know what happened that day. Where did you go and why did you just disappear like that?" Wheels asked.

"Are you allowed to come in here? We need to talk." April said.

"Sure. You're right. We do need to talk." Wheels said as he opened the door and let her go in first.

"Wow. This is a nice room. Are all of the rooms like this?" April asked as she stepped into the room.

"Patched members' rooms are bigger but they are all pretty much the same. There's a nice bathroom over there and the door next to that is a walk-in closet. I never could figure that out since most rescues come in here with nothing and never have enough to fill it up.

The nice thing about these rooms down here is that they have a patio that goes out to the backyard through the french doors. Too bad it's so cold outside right now. Come, let's sit over here." Wheels said, leading her over to the seating area to the sofa.

"So what happened? Where did you go and why?" Wheels asked as soon as they were seated.

"My dad, of course. He came home from work early and mom and I had the radio on. We didn't even hear him come up. We were singing and dancing around the kitchen along to the radio and having a good time until he came in and started yelling.

I still don't really know what set him off but it seemed to piss him off that we were enjoying something. He grabbed me by my hair and threw me up against the wall and started slapping me, saying that I dance like a whore.

My mom started yelling at him to stop and he let go of my hair and started after her. My mom yelled at me to run but instead of going to my room, I ran for the Wilson's house next door. Mrs. Wilson called the cops.

Do you remember Randy Wilson? He was a lot older than us. Anyway, he was home from the Army on leave. He went over to our house, armed with his dad's shotgun and made my dad stop hitting my mom. But by the time he got there, my dad had beat my mom up pretty bad. Randy held him at gunpoint until the cops arrived.

My dad made some nasty threats to both me and my mom. Randy told the cops what he had said and insisted that we needed to be put in protective custody. My dad was so drunk, as usual!

Randy and I convinced my mom to finally press charges against him. Anyway, they made us leave and go stay with my mom's brother in Tennessee until the case went to trial.

They wouldn't allow us to call anyone back here, they said it was for our own safety and better if we didn't let anyone know where we were in case someone told him or one of his buddies. He contacted my uncle, figuring my mom would be in contact with him, and actually threatened to send some of his hunting buddies after us if we didn't drop the charges! Can you believe that? It scared my mom and my uncle enough that we ended up hiding with my mom's aunt for a while and after one particularly nasty phone call from my dad, they put us in a safe house under witness protection. I ended up having to finish high school by taking online classes!

He made bail so he was on the loose and we heard he was looking for us. It took almost a year for his case to come up and he had made death threats towards me, my mom and Randy. He accused my mom of having an affair with him, which was totally untrue.

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