Chapter 14 - Finding April

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The 3 couples spent several hours at the mall. Spokes and Scar watched over their women while they were buying clothes and shoes for Cinder and Heather, who needed not only everyday wear but outfits for the upcoming wedding. They also found wedding presents for both couples getting married soon.

Prez and Amanda also spent some time in the maternity clothes section and then all three women spent over an hour oohing and ahhing over the baby clothes, adorable stuffed animals and blankets, most of which ended up in the shopping cart. The men just enjoyed watching their women, even if it meant they were loaded down with shopping bags.

When Amanda began to look at the furniture, Cinder finally broke down and told her about a set that was available at Walmart and Target that would give her everything she needed.

"It has a bassinet, playpen, baby carrier, changing table and a few other things that I just can't remember now. Heather, our friend Sally and I pitched in and bought one for one of our friends from high school for her baby shower a couple of years ago.

It worked out really great for them since they had a small apartment and couldn't really fit a lot of different furniture but it's nice and sturdy. It was portable and easy to fold up and store when the baby outgrew it too. They definitely don't use any of that for very long since they grow so fast." Cinder told her.

"Ladies, before you even ask, Walmart is going to have to wait for another day. It's getting late and I want to be home before dark. Not to mention that I'm getting hungry again." Prez said. He didn't like for them to be out on the roads after dark with the threat of Vipers and Cobras so nearby and causing trouble. Especially since it was only the four men and three women with them. Amanda was not carrying a weapon and the other two were not wearing cuts.

"You guys are just party poopers!" Amanda teased the men but she had to admit she was getting tired. She had gotten into the habit of taking a nap in the middle of the day and because they had been shopping, she had skipped today.

They all walked back to the van and loaded the packages in the very back. "Wow. One more bag and we would have had to tie someone to the roof to get us all home." Wheels teased the ladies.

"Care to venture who that would have been?" Prez teased Wheels, who gulped but shut up.

"Does anyone know what Andy and Butcher are making for dinner?" Prez asked with a chuckle at Wheels as his stomach began to rumble.

"I think they were planning on roast beef but I'm not sure." Amanda said.

About 45 minutes later, Wheels was just about to turn onto the road to the compound when he spotted a girl stumbling near the side of the road. "Hey, Prez. Check that out. Is she drunk or hurt?"

Prez said "Pull over, Wheels. I think she's hurt."

Wheels pulled over a few yards past her and Prez hopped out. "Stay in the van ladies," he told them. Prez and Wheels jumped out and hurried back to the young woman who looked up and saw them coming and froze for a second then began to look around for a way to run but they got to her before she went more than a few feet.

"Hey! Hey! We are not going to hurt you! Who did this to you?" Prez asked as he stopped a couple of feet from her.

"I was at a birthday party for my friend's cousin. I wasn't feeling comfortable there and wanted to go home. A couple of guys said they were leaving and offered to drop me off but we barely got to the end of the street when one of them started getting grabby. I'm very dizzy. Can I sit down please?" She said and then suddenly began to sway just before she passed out.

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