Chapter 10 - Dealing with Heather's captors

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After Spokes and Scar had left to bring Heather back to the club house along with the two Vipers, who were now in the shed, the rest of the men took the Vipers van and went to the location that Frank and Gordy had told them about.

The two boys anxiously waited with Doc and Ivan, who was one of the prospects that had been sent to help out. "What's going to happen? Are they going to get our sisters out?" Frank asked. He was wringing his hands in worry for his sister.

"I hope so. Try not to worry too much. The brothers are doing everything they can and this is not the first time they've had to do this unfortunately. How did you guys get snatched?" Doc asked.

"I had just picked up my sister from her friend's house. It was almost dark and cold Friday night. We were walking on the side of the road when that van pulled up and asked us if we wanted a ride. We told them no, that we were almost home when the side door opened and the guy inside the back pointed a gun at me. He told us to get in and I was afraid he was going to shoot us so we got in." Frank said.

"I know you don't think so right now but he probably would have shot you and then grabbed your sister if you hadn't. If she had tried to run, he more than likely would have either caught her and taken her anyway or shot her to keep her from telling anyone." Ivan said. "How old is your sister?"

"She's 12. Her name is Sabrina. My parents must be going crazy with worry." Frank said, finding it hard to talk anymore.

"What about you, Gordy?" Ivan asked.

"I was walking with my sister on our way home from church yesterday morning, then just like Frank said, this van pulled up, asked us if we wanted a ride, then the side door opened and the man pointed a gun at us. My sister's name is Judy and she's only 11.

They told us last night that if we didn't do what they said, then what was happening to two girls they had grabbed before us, they would do it to our sisters too and maybe even to us. I can't be 100% sure but I'm pretty sure those girls were being raped." Gordy said, rubbing at the tears that began to fall as he thought about that happening to his sister.

"Did either of you see any of the other captives?" Ivan asked.

"No. They kept them in a bedroom down the hall from us. I saw them take them food and water but they never let them out of there while I was there but they made me and Sabrina stay in the other bedroom. The room we were in just had some mattresses on the floor and some blankets but they were not heavy enough to help keep the cold away.

We had to sleep in our clothes with our coats on and we were still cold. We slept on the same bed because I was afraid they would try to take her while I was asleep plus I figured our body heat would help keep us warm.

When Gordy came with his sister, we pulled the two mattresses together and made our sisters sleep between us last night. I've never felt more helpless in my life than I have since we got snatched." Frank said.

"Gordy, earlier you mentioned your mom but what about your dad?" Ivan asked.

"He split not long after Judy was born. Never came back and we haven't heard from him since." Gordy said. "Don't need his sorry ass anyway. All he ever did was get drunk and push my mom around. When he started hitting on me, my mom told him to get out or she would call the cops on him........again! He left and just never came back. My mom works hard and I try to help her as much as I can but until I finish school, I can't get a fulltime job so that I can take care of them. Sometimes I work at the grocery store as a bag boy or stocking shelves but I can only work weekends because I have school. My mom really pushes for us to get an education." Gordy said. "I'm due to graduate at the end of May and I can't wait."

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