Chapter 5 - Packing out the house in Paris

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Forty five minutes later they pulled up in front of the small three bedroom house that looked like it was in bad need of a paint job. Wheels backed the pick-up truck down the driveway and Ace parked in front of him. He got out and looked up and down the street but didn't see anything to set off any alarms.

They all hurried up to the house and Robbie let them in. "Man, it's almost as cold in here as it is outside. Luckily, I turned down the heat the day we left when I went to work and we didn't turn it up when we came back, thank goodness, or I would have a huge power bill waiting for me."

"Robbie, did the lady from the state come to inspect your home before she took Diana?" Ace asked.

"No, not really. She came into the living room to tell us that Diana had to go with her but she didn't go into any of the other rooms. Why?" Robbie replied.

"Because I've been in foster homes that weren't as clean, well kept and as nice as your place is. This may not be high end furniture but it's all in good shape and your place is clean. Do you mind if I look in the other rooms?" Ace asked.

"No, not at all. The state lady just waved some papers around and said it was a court order to take Diana away from me." Robbie said "I'm going to look in the fridge. I'll bet there are a couple of science projects in there and the milk is probably spoiled by now."

"Did she give you a copy of those papers?" Ace asked.

"No. She said I would get a copy in the mail." Robbie said.

Red flags and warning bells were going off in Ace's head and he was going to report this to Prez asap! Ace didn't say anything then but signaled Ivan to go check the mailbox, then walked down the hall, taking pictures in every room. The beds were all made, clothes were hung up, there was nothing left out of place. Ace suspected that the social worker had taken Diana under false pretenses or was part of a trafficking ring. It made him want to pick Diana up and hold her, keep her safely in his arms until they were out of here.

Because he did not want to upset the kids, he didn't say anything about his suspicions but just took detailed pictures, even inside of the closets. He could feel himself getting angry so he finally walked back down the hallway and found Robbie in the kitchen with Dot and the others.

"Guys, go get some empty boxes out of the truck and let's start getting this place packed up. As soon as you have your personal stuff packed, Robbie, I want you to call your landlord and have him come over right away and do a check out walk through with you. Ask him if he wants any of the furniture.

If not, we'll use the truck to take it to a local thrift store or we'll take it back to Winchester and donate it there or we'll put it in storage. I know some people who will be able to use some of it soon. I need to call Prez so I'll be right back." Ace said.

Dot didn't know what was going on but she picked up on the tone of his voice that Ace was upset about something. She wanted to ask him about it but she needed to deal with Diana first. "Come on, Diana. Let's go see about your stuff." Dot said, holding her hand out to her niece.

Diana was also picking up on Ace's tension but she took her aunt's hand and showed her where her room was. "This is my room." Diana said as she walked over and sat down on the edge of her bed. "Aunt Dot? Why is Ace upset?" Diana asked.

"I'm not sure, baby girl. I think the lady that took you did it without permission or proof that she had a right to. Don't worry about it. I'm sure Ace is going to take care of things. Right now, let's just get your stuff ready to go so that we can go back to the clubhouse." Dot told her. Dot wasn't sure what was going on but something was telling her not to let the kids dilly dally but to take care of business and get out of there.

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