Chapter 20 - Planning for baby showers begins

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"Sure." Cinder said and they headed for Spokes office. They were almost there when Carlyle called out to them. "Cinder! Hey, Prez sent me to find you. He asked that you go to his office."

"Did he say what it was about?" Cinder asked, immediately feeling nervous. She hoped it was not bad news.

"No. Just that I was to find you and tell you to go to his office. Any idea where Scar is?" Carlyle asked.

"If he's not in our room then I guess he's in the gym or wherever the men were hanging out while we had the bridal shower." Cinder said.

"Want me to go with you?" Heather asked.

"Please? I have a feeling I know what it is but I'm not sure." Cinder said.

They walked back down the hall to Prez's office and knocked on the door. Just as Prez called out for them to come in, Scar showed up. He had been working out with the other men as she had suspected.

"What's going on, babe?" Scar asked.

"I don't know. Carlyle just said Prez wanted to speak to me." Cinder replied.

"Cinder, I'll wait for you in the living room." Heather said. They didn't need her to be there and she was kind of hoping that Spokes would come find her now that the luncheon was over.

"Okay. I'll find you when we are done." Cinder said with a weak smile at her friend, then they opened the door and stepped into Prez's office.

"You wanted to see us, Prez?" Scar asked.

"Yeah, come on in. I got a call from the Lexington PA. He needs to meet with you regarding Jerison Sniffen and the charges you filed against him for breaking into your house and killing your animals. When talking to him, state only what you know to be fact. Do not speculate on anything. Do not offer information. Let him ask and keep your answers short and honest.

When asked, tell him that it is your understanding that Wolf and the others were at your house the next night finishing up securing the house when Jerry and his friends showed up. Make it plain that you were not there and therefore can not tell them what went down or who was present. The only thing you might add is that you are no longer staying in your old house because you do not feel safe there anymore. Understand?" Prez told her.

"Yes, sir." Cinder said.

"Scar, I know you want to be there for Cinder and I won't stop you but you are going to have to promise to keep your temper in check. Especially if you see Jerry. Going off on him or running your mouth could hurt her case. As far as I can tell from talking to the man, he's not on the Sniffen's payroll. He sounds like he's on the up and up but I don't know this man so let's keep our cards close to our chest. Can you promise me you will keep yourself in check?" Prez asked.

"I'll do my best, Prez." Scar said.

"No! You have to promise, Scar. If this goes south because you let your temper get out of control, Thor, Natalie and all of Team 1 could end up in jail and it will bring unwanted attention to the club. Now, promise or you stay here when the others go to Lexington to talk to the PA." Prez said sternly.

"Alright. I promise. I will be there for Cinder and I will keep my mouth shut and my hands to myself, unless he physically attacks her." Scar said.

"Fine. I can live with that." Prez said with a grin. He couldn't fault any of his men for defending their women and certainly not Scar. "Now, the PA's name is Robert Wells. He requested to meet with you in his office at 10 am this Thursday. You need to call him and confirm the appointment time and date before the end of the day today.

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