Chapter 13 - 3 couples go shopping

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After Spokes followed Heather out of the dining room, Prez stood up and walked over to where Ivan and Rick were sitting. "Good morning. Rick, I take it you are able to see a bit this morning?" Prez asked.

"Good morning and yes sir. Not well but at least I hopefully won't walk into a wall today. Your clubhouse is much nicer than the Vipers place. Man, talk about a dump!" Rick said.

"Well, if we showed you some pictures of it, do you think you can confirm that we have the right place?" Prez asked.

"Yes sir. I can even give you the address." Rick said.

"That's great! I'm going to be calling for Church soon so both of you stay within shouting distance and when I call for you, Ivan, bring him to the meeting room." Prez said.

"Sure thing Prez." Ivan said.

Prez nodded then went back to tell Amanda "As soon as we are done, we'll go shopping. Okay?"

"Sure, babe. I'll wait with the other ladies." Amanda said, returning his kiss.

Prez yelled "Church now!" and all of the men headed for the meeting room. Everyone noticed Spokes and Heather standing farther down the hall but no one said anything as they all filed into the meeting room.

As soon as Spokes stepped inside and closed the door, Prez banged his gavel and called the meeting to order. Spokes quickly took his seat and Prez began speaking.

"Yesterday, we rescued not only Cinder's best friend but a young man that I'm hoping is going to help us end the Viper threat in our area. The kid's eyes are still swollen but he can see some this morning. He says he can give us the actual address to their compound and will identify that we have the right place, so Wizard, when he comes in here, pull it up on the big screen so that he can hopefully point out any weaknesses, points of entry, where within the house they are holding innocents, etc.

Once we have the information, I'm going to call in some help again. From what he has told me so far, the Vipers have hooked up with some Cobras and he thinks there are at least 50 men there. I don't plan on us attacking them today. I want us to stake out their compound, watch them for at least 24 hours to gather as much intel as we can get. We also need to make sure that there are no innocents living close by and if there are, we need to clear the area around them without giving ourselves away.

From what Rick has told us so far, there is a second house, not far away where the ole' ladies and children are housed. He said the place is like a prison compound and heavily guarded. I'm not sure yet how we are going to handle getting in there, hopefully, without killing any of the women but at the same time, if they fire on us, I don't expect anyone to just lay down and die either. If it comes to it, try to wound, not kill them. Before I call for Rick to come join us, does anyone have any questions?" Prez asked.

"Prez, when are you thinking we are going to be attacking them?" Scar asked.

"I want to watch them for at least a couple of days. I'm hoping that maybe there is an empty house close by that we can set up surveillance in but if not, we'll have to use our vehicles and go in shorter shifts. Now, with Thor and Natalie's wedding in just a few days, I'm sure the women would hang us all if we even considered doing this before then so I'm thinking it will not be until afterwards.

Also, Wolf and Hope are going to have to go back to Virginia for the trial of the hunters that attacked Hope and her brother, Devon. They will be leaving after the wedding. Plus I have to call Brutus and Chance and maybe a few of the others for back up help and it will depend on when they can get here. This time I want to be more prepared for them and not have to rush like we had to do last time." Prez told them.

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