Planning (1)

257 8 3

Thursday 13th September 8:57am
(Fake time and date)

  "Jisung, your mother wants to speak to you"
A maid in the spoken's name  said

"Tell her i will be there in 5 minutes"
Jisung told the maid


Jisung hopped off his bed and fixed his hair before going down the marble stairs

"Finally, Jisung you're here!"
Jisung's Mother called out (we'll call her Mrs.Han)

"Jisung take a seat, your dad is going to be here soon" she spoke once again

"What are we going to talk about?" Jisung asked his mother

"It's just about the business and stuff" she replied

"But what does it have to do with me?" He asked once again

"You'll see"

The door opened and closed as Mr.Han entered the house, it was still early in the morning. But Mr.Han asked for a quick break at work to discuss the conversation about to be said

"Hello dad, what do you want to talk about that involves be and the companies?"

"Hi Jisung, What me and your mother want to clarify, is that our companies and your fans found out your gay, obviously because you came out yesterday."


"So-, My friend owns another company and the building not far away, she has an out son that is bisexual. We want you's to see if you two will be compatible with each-other, I am asking for permission because most companies just force, so will you try and meet him?"

"Thank you for asking for consent mother, and yes i would like to meet him. What's his name?"

"His name is Kim Seungmin. But we could try with other companies, because i got two friends that have son's, i'm not sure if they like guys.. But you really need to get in a relationship as soon as possible because you're already 16 and you are going to college next year so it's about time to get you in a relationship" Mr.Han answered

"Okay, alright. When are we going to meet?"

"We are going to meet next Wednesday at 7:30pm"
Mrs.Han returned to Jisung

"So you have enough time to get ready after school"
She said again

"Alright.. Thank you for asking though-"

"No problem!" Mrs.Han said

"Alright I better go to work before the meeting, Love you both!" Mr.Han said

"Love you" they both responded

"Oh and Jisung!" Mrs.Han spoke to Jisung


"You're late to school." She giggled

"WHAT?!-" Han went to go check the time


"Oh shi-"

Han ran to the elevator, as it was more quicker than going up a few dosen steps

when the elevator got to his floor he ran to his room to brush his teeth, put on his uniform and fix his hair
And put his laptop, I-pad, Textbook etc. in his back-pack

He ran to the elevator again. Once he made it to the ground floor he asked a maid to get the driver and drive him to school

The driver came fast and told Jisung to get in

Jisung brought his make-up with him because he didn't have time to put it on in the house

Luckily there was no traffic on the way and he made it not on-time but quickly

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