Awkward air between us (8)

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"Jisung what are you doing..?" My mom asked appearing from thin air

"M-mom, it's not what it looks like-"

"Is this your boyfriend? You could marry him,
Where does his parents work?"


"My father works for your husband" Minho said with fear in his eyes and voice

"Oh... is he your boyfriend or are you just kissing..?"

"We're just kissing.." I replied to my mom

"Oh okay, Jisung c'mon we have to go home" She said

"Okay.." i responded to her

I mouthed a 'sorry' to Minho

He mouthed an 'it's okay' back to me

Minho walked away, his head drooping. I feel bad for him. But what kind of relationship is between us? We haven't even stated anything or what-. Forget it i'm tired of thinking


I walk away as I feel Jisung's gaze at me, until i feel it drop i run to Chan's car (Bangchan)

"Can you come over to my house? Minho?" Chan said as he got the car ready, he took a drag

"Uh- no i can't, sorry chan, i have to go to work and then deal with my father" I said

"Ahh. No it's fine... You want?" Chan said poking the box of cigarettes at me

"Sure" i pulled one out and grabbed Chan's lighter to light it

Chan started driving, the drive to my work was pretty chill, We weren't talking it was a calming silence between us. When we arrived at my work I gave Chan a little wave before I jogged to the back-door of the shop i worked at.
I quickly ran to get my uniform and change, after that i quickly ran to the front of the Bar and went over to the Island

"Minho, you're late."

"Yea, sorry Yeonhwa" I replied to my boss

"It's fine."

I work 12 hours here everyday at the end of the day, and then i work at a Café as a side-job i work there 5hours every Saturday and Sunday since i don't have school.

I clean the top of the table as its my last, then i would be able to wrap up.

"Hey Minho you got a minute?" My boss queried

"Yea! What's up?"

"I came to give you your salary since i was sick last week" Yeonhwa gave me a sealed envelope

"Can you tell me how much is in here, or..?"

"Open it" Yeonhwa smiled at me

I open the envelope


"W-what-? This is too much.. This is half a million-"

"Minho, you're the best worker here, most of my workers quit. And you were the only person who listens to me at meetings. You deserve it. You're so kind. You feel so close to me that you came out to me about your abusive father. Minho, Do your best with this money. Hopefully you could move out of your household and enroll in a college, i don't want you to keep working here. Sure i love you being here, but you have to eventually move on.."

"Wow. That was a whole ass speech but thank you. I appreciate it a lot!" I smiled at her

She smiled back at me and patted my shoulder then left. I can't believe it. It's like winning a lottery. I decided to buy a new sweater, pants and food.
I walked out of the Bar looking at the stars, checking my phone it was already 8:21am i had to go home quickly before my father catches me not home. I catch the bus as it will take less time then walking

I arrive at 8:30 exactly, i take my shoes off and shuffle with the money in my pocket. I have to get ready quickly to go school, im quite late.

I hop off the bus and scan the card on the code-pad and walk in as the gates open. I walk to the school and quickly run to my locker and see my first class already gone. I scurry towards the P.E hall. Ugh P.E in the morning two days in a row? Hell.

I put on my jersey, the scars in my thighs showing ever so lightly when i move my legs. I have to deal with it. Hopefully Jisung is in the class. Atleast i will know someone in my class. Right?

Well. Felix is here-? No sign of Jisung. And i would figure the air between us is just not it. So i decided to ignore it and ask Felix where Jisung is, because i suppose they have the same classes as eachother

"Hey Felix? Where's Jisung?"

"Oh Jisung has Geography this morning, for detention" Felix says un-amused but joy after seeing my face

"Oh my god! Minho! I thought you were some rando trying to stalk Jisung and me" Felix said smiling


"Don't take that in a bad way by the way.." Felix said his face slightly in a frown

"Okay" i smile at him

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO CUTEEEE" Felix sqeals quickly getting attention from almost- no. Actually EVERYBODY there

"Felix, please don't be too loud.."

"Why? Hungover?"

"Yes" that slipped off my tongue. I did not mean to say that what the fuck.

"Oh. Sorry.." Felix whispered

"It's fine" I chuckled at how Felix acts. Felix is very giddy and happy, a ray of sunshine if you aksed me what kind of planet/star he is

We lined up getting ready to play basketball
I'm very bad at ball sports. Why? I have no idea. Balls just hate me.

After P.E i have science so i have to go up 3 FLIGHTS OF FUCKING STAIRS and the science room is the last room on the left so i'm gonna have to make a run for it

I run as fast as i can P.E already hurting my legs limping all the way to the science class i was actually surprised to see Jisung in class for some reason, but he looked mind of upset so i asked him

"Is this seat taken?"

"No, the seat is single." Jisung said sarcastically grinning at me by the littlest bit, i decided to sit in the chair and take my things out and decided to male and actual conversation

"Hey Jisung? You look blue."

"I look like a smurf?"

"Nooo, as in the emotion"

"Ohhhh, yea.. sorry about yesterday and what happened. To be honest the air between us is pretty awkward and our current physical state together is also awkward, and i wanted to talk about it during lunch in the rooftop's stairway"

"Damn you rapped that, have you ever thought of being a rapper, but yea sure i would be down to go"

"Okay, thank you"

"No need to thank me" I said to him

We smiled at eachother and then the teacher began the lesson

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