Boyfriends (11)

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Once i finish Science class I go straight to my locker to put my needed things for Science away and get the things I need for my home I put in my bag and lock my locker.

After that I walk quickly towards the entrance of the school to meet up with Felix's group

Chan was just standing there his eyes widen as I walk towards the group of 7.
There was Felix, Jisung, Chan, Changbin and 3 other random dudes

I greet the four I know and greet the other 3 that are unknown to me

"Since you already know Changbin and Chan, I'm going to introduce you to the other 3!"
Felix said

"This is Jeongin, the youngest of the group" Felix said hugging Jeongin sideways. Jeongin has Black hair with some Blonde strips in. His eyes are very fox like. He looks so attractive and cute at the same time

"Hi Jeongin!" I say happily to him smiling meanwhile

"Hi Minho!" He smiled back and waved like a roblox character

"This is Seungmin, he has the best comebacks and is the smartest" Felix said whilst patting Seungmin's shoulder. Seungmin has black hair, like literally plain black hair. When he smiled at me, omg. His smile is so cute, i can't wait to know more about him

"Hi Seungmin" I smile

"Hi Minho!" He smiled back. His smile is like an infection

"And finally this is Hyunjin! My boyfriend, he's the artist of the group" Felix said, Hyunjin smiled at me. Hyunjin has long hair, but not that long if you know what i mean, his hair colour is blonde, his features are very pretty.

"Hi Minho!" He smiled at me waving

"Hi Hyunjin!" i smile back

"So are we all ready to go?" Jisung asked

"Yep!" Everybody said

"WAIT!" Felix said "Who knows how to drive? Because ain't no way i'm paying for bus tickets aswell as where we are going."

"I do" Bangchan said

"Same" I said

"Me too" Changbin said

"Hyunjin and me too" Jeongin said

"Alright!" Who's bringing their car?"

"I will" I said

"Me too" Jeongin said

I ran to my house (from my house to the school is a 5minute run). I got my car and drove it towards the school.

When i arrived Jeongin was already there

Jisung, Felix an Hyunjin joined into me car and the rest went with Jeongin

"All buckled?" I questioned

Everybody put their thumbs up and Felix gave me directions on google map with his phone.
The drive was 20 minutes.

"I just decided to treat you guys a bit, and since we added a new member i decided for something a little special!" Felix said smiling, he always does, i smile at that thought. But my smile quickly fading at the though of eating.

Felix brought us to a rather expensive restaurant, there were advertisements outside of the restaurant making it look even more expensive. There was a lot of big dishes, and only a little bit of small dishes. But the small dishes were very very small, so I suppose to get a big one

Once we entered Felix said some reservation shit whilst the another waiter led us to our table, it was a table of 8

Everybody sat down and started choosing their drinks, I listened to everybody's orders and decided to go for Coke Zero so i don't seem sus🤨

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