Birthday party (2)

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September 14th Friday 3:50

Jisung got home with a few birthday presents and cards from his classmates and friends in his school he was very grateful for every single one of them

"Maria can you please help me?" Jisung shouted hoping for the spoken woman to appear

"I'm here! What's wro-"
Maria came down from the stairs

"Uhm, can you please help me with these presents?"

"Of-course i can help you, silly..."
Maria said

Maria took a few of the presents and led Jisung to his room so she could put down the presents

"I'm going to get ready to go to the mall with Lix okay?"
Jisung asked Maria (Maria is a very close maid that Jisung has)

"Yep! I'm going to tell the driver (my Beloved Sunghoon) " Maria replied with a slight nod

Jisung went to his bathroom to quickly brush his hair and get rid of his make-up

After that Jisung got out of his bathroom and went into his walk-in closet and picked out a clothing that stands out but not too much

Jisung got his phone and his wallet out of his school bag and ran to the large garage (hehe i rhymed)

3:59 Friday 14th September

Jisung thanked his driver and walked silently into the mall, as soon as he saw Felix he ran to him to give him a hug

"Are you ready to have your full body taken-care of and glamoured up?!!!!" Felix basically screamed

"Yes Lix, I'm ready" Jisung tried to make Felix calm down a bit

They both went up the escalator excited for the day in the mall

They both went to Sephora first to get something, like make-up or something for Jisung's dinner with his parents after they finished they went to Dior to maybe get something

They ended up getting a green sleeveless jacket and quickly went to Changbin salon✨   (Jk)

They went to a random expensive salon to get their hair done

After they were done they went to get their nails done and a massage

After Jisung got a whole outfit for who know's what but he got clothes of his style

They went straight to the restaurant after buying his clothes

"Felix, you have to go now.. See you on Sunday!"
Jisung pouted but tried to put a bit of happiness in the last few words

"Oh, I forgot to tell you.!!!! I'm coming with!" Felix said happily as he forgot to tell Jisung he was coming too

"Oh my god! Really?" Jisung shouted

"Yea! And our friends from the other schools!"

"Jeongin AND Hyunjin too?!" Jisung practically screamed

"Yes, and quiet down, people will recognise your voice" Felix said shushing the elder

"Ok,ok!!! I can't wait!!!" Jisung squealed


Felix and Jisung walked in telling the waiter the name for their table
The waiter guided them to the table as Felix's parents were already there aswell as the other three's family (Jisung,Hyunjin,Jeongin)

"Jisung! Finally your here! Hyunjin and Jeongin have missed you and been wayyy too excited to see you!" Mrs.Han said

He came back from his bathroom, crying, harming, pulling his hair.

He went to his local side shop to get a birthday card for his mother, and perhaps a little snack

His mother, His Father lived in a rather small house, poor, no food, no heat.

His mother has an illness that causes her lungs to not work properly so she always has a tube next to her

(Anyways, back to the shop)
Minho always looked out for his mother, because his father is an abusive homophobic asshole.

Minho got a cute birthday card that said "To the Queen of the Day" With 3 cats on it

Minho also got a little Crunchie chocolate bar

"That will cost you $5.00"

Minho was unsure if he should use all of his money, but for his mother? Of course he would

Minho started walking back to the tiny house in the wind, he only had a t-shirt and pants, he forgot to bring his sweater...

It doesn't matter he's almost there

Minho opens the door with his key and scrapes his shoes on the mat, then takes off his shoes

He sees his mother in the sitting room, just sitting silently, or was she..?

He came up to her and gave her the card and the chocolate, and said :

"I hope you like it mom, I know it's not much, but i will get us out of this situation"

She didn't respond.


She didn't respond.


She didn't respond...

Minho started panicking on what he should do

He grabbed his phone to call 911

"911, What's your emergency?"

Minho is sitting in the hospital, sitting alone.

His own father couldn't come

But Minho was too busy thinking on what will happen to his mother

'Will she be okay?
Is she going to die?
Is her illness worse?
What if she stopped hope?'

"Lee ————?"

Minho stood up and walked to the lady that has said his mother's name

"Yea, that's my mother" Minho said

"I'm very sorry but... She couldn't make it.." The lady said

"You may visit her before you know.." The lady continued

"Okay, what room?" Minho asked

"Room 143"

"Thank you."

Minho couldn't believe it, the only person he loved, the only person who understood him, is now gone, gone forever.

He dragged his feet ever so slowly to the room, he loathed this moment but unfortunately time goes by way too fast, he's already at the door

He hesitated to grab the door knob

He took a quick deep breath and entered the room

He walked over to his mother, dead silent, the room is cold and scary, there was no sound to be heard until he was brave enough to break it

"Mom, I'm very sorry i couldn't protect you, I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you, if you can hear me.. Please give me a good sign to move on, to not harm myself anymore, I never told you because i was afraid that it will get in the way of your illness, you didn't have to worry about me because i'm already 18, but I'm afraid I can't leave dad. I just can't I know he's mean and doesn't treat us right, but who knows what will happen when both of us leave him?"

"I'm very sorry mom.."

Minho started tearing up, but he couldn't cry now, he had to be strong for his mother and someone could walk in right then and there.

So he decided not to

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