Rises the moon (10)

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*This is quite a long chapter*

I fall to the ground slowly, back against the door, my hand holding the glass bottle half drunk by myself.
The beer swaying around in the bottle as i look at it deeply, as if i was looking at my true lover. My tear-stained cheeks are glowing under the light of my room. My voice gone from all the crying.

He doesn't love me enough? I mean sure i always can't be delusional and expect him to like me. I don't even like him to be honest, i just met him like 2 weeks ago.

I bang my head against the wall again. My head bruised from the last 65 times i banged my head on the wall and door. My arms starting to sting as i haven't cleaned up the blood from when i cut.
My head is pounding, i grab another bottle as i finished the one that i had earlier. I finish the bottle within seconds, my eyes scan the room looking for another bottle. I groan as i realise there are no more bottles and i have to go and buy some more.

I get my phone, wallet and car keys. I walk down quietly to see if my father is awake or asleep.

"Minho, where the fuck are you going." My father shouts at me as i trip down the stairs. My car keys jingle in my pocket

"To buy more beer and food for you, sir" I respond quickly

"Hurry up, i'm hungry. Its already 3:00am you should be cooking my food by now." My father says sternly

"I will" I say, I open the door and get the house keys. I quickly jog to my car to go to the super-market

I put on the song "You Get Me So High" and start driving. The car air making me feel suffocated, my hand on the steering-wheel feeling cold and numb. My head feeling dumb as fuck. I arrive at the supermarket near our house.

I get out of the car sighing after getting out. I head inside and get a basket to put all the food in, I open my wallet, seeing the $500,000 my boss gave me, and my savings for the food, which is $56
$56 should be enough money for us both

I grab some food (i'm too lazy to name all of them)
And i also buy some clothes with the money my boss gave me, aswell as 10 cans of beer

I look for some milk in the dairy aisle and i can't seem to find any

"Stupid supermarket always have to re-arrange their fucking food" i whispered under my breath

I spot another man and go up to him to ask him if he knows where the milk is, i tap his shoulder and his hood of the sweater he is wearing falls down, i look into the 'strangers' eyes and my eyes fall onto his lips, the lips and eyes looking familiar i decided to take in all of the person standing infront of me, my mind realising its Jisung...

"Uh-oh, uhm.. Jisung?"

"Hi Minho! What's wrong?"

"You live around here?"

"Ah, not really.. i just wanted to find a shop that sells food 24/7 because most of the shops near me don't sell 24/7.. so yea"

"I just wanted to ask you if you knew where the milk is.." I said shyly

"I was looking for the milk aswell actually" Jisung chuckled, oh my god he's so fucking cute

"Wanna look together?" Jisung requested

"Sure" i agreed fast

Our eyes scan the dairy aisle, both men found the milk without telling eachother, the fridge already open, I put my hand on the milk then Jisung put his hand on the milk straight after.

"Ah, sorry.. you can have it" Jisung said bowing letting go of my hand

"No, it's fine, i will just ask the shop-keeper i know her pretty well so she could probably get me some milk from the back" I said eyeing the fridge seeing only one milk carton in the cold aisle

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