Beom Seok (12)

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Han POV : 4 weeks after the last chapter

"You're seriously hanging out with Minho that dumbfuck again?" Beom Seok said

"Don't say that about Minho.. and no. I'm hanging out with the group not just Minho, Beom Seok."

"You're always hanging out with them.. why don't you just hang out with me today? You can hangout with them tomorrow at school.." Beom Seok said pouting looking like a blob fish

"Fine.. I just need to text the group"


"Done, what do you wanna do?" I said

"This." Beom Seok said whilst coming towards me and kissing me seductively and starting to make out with me

I moaned into the kiss falling for the trap again.

Minho POV :

"Mhm- ngh.. Jeongin~~" I moan out loud as me and Jeongin are making out in a cute cat café waiting for the others. He took me out on a date, but somehow my little friend down there decided to rise up. So i asked my beloved boyfriend to help me.

But before leaving to go to the bathroom.. Jeongin left a note on the table incase anyone from our friend group came while we were tango-ing in the toilet

Yoo.. so i'm helping Minho with throwing up
Because he said he felt like he needed to.. so if ya'll come while i'm helping him, just write your orders and place it in the box on the register counter where the box says our table number.. yep. Bye


Yep. That's the note, he's so fucking obvious but whatever, i still love him

"Jeongin?" I spoke standing up from getting fucked brainless
"Whats up?" He asked pulling his trousers up and tightening his belt looking at me starting to stand

"I don't know why but i feel like we're still friends but fucking.."

"Oh my god. Same. To be honest it feels like i'm breaking a law or something, no offense"

"None taken, but yeah... don't you think it's better for us to just stay as friends? Like... we both feel the same emotions... and feel like we're doing something illegal."

"Sure, why not?" Jeongin said helping me put my clothes on

"Still besties though right?" Jeongin said raising one of his eyebrows

"Still besties" I smiled at him and kissed probably for the last time

We left the bathroom together seeing the rest of the group sitting at the table with their cakes and coffee's.

"Yo, where's Jisung?" I asked glazing my eyes over the table to check where Jisung is

"Oh, he's probably fucking with his boyfriend. And ya'll seem happier then ever.. did you guys fuck again? WAIT. DID YOU GUYS FUCK IN THE TOILETS??!!" Hyunjin screamed the last part pretending to faint in Felix's arms being the drama queen he is

"Yes, and uhm.. we're not boyfriends anymore" I began

"Please tell me you two are married, because if you guys broke up i will break into tears." Hyunjin arose from his 'faint' to say that sentence

"We did break up. BUT- we were just fucking and we felt illegal fucking each other and we still felt like bestays so yeah." Jeongin explained

Hyunjin and Felix had their jaw dropped to the center of the Earth.
"Well okay" Felix said

"Erm... We're still here you know?" Changbin said waving his hand infront of my face

"We know Changbin, shut the fuck up"

* 2 hours later *
Minho POV :

"Bye guys!" I wave at the group walking away from my house, I take deep breaths and hesitantly open the door to the house that isn't really a home

I take off my shoes and close the door behind me, i take off my jacket too. I walk towards the kitchen where i expected my father to be ; he is there

Minho where the fuck have you been all day on a Sunday?!" He screamed at me punching his knuckle into the countertop

"I was out.."

"Out to where?" Staying in the same place but shifting positions

"With my friends.. in a café"


"Yes sir.." I droop my head down walking infront of the fridge getting 3 bottles of beer, and a crisp bag. I walk to the living room where my father is sat watching football (soccer 🤮)
I put the beer and crisp on the coffee table and left the living room

I walk up the stairs going straight to my fathers room
I go through his bedside table looking for cigarettes, I need to clear my mind real bad. Took 2 packets and went to my room. I took out my phone taking a picture of me. After I put a text [who wants to shotgun /j (maybe🥱) ]

I post it on my story and literally a second after i get a notification, I press on it and it's Jisung.. right- i added him on snapchat. Well, it won't hurt to try..?

We both met at a park near both our houses, I asked him if i could spend the night he said if only i will bring my own clothes- I wonder how Felix acts in Jisung's house...

But anyways- i brought a bag and put my belongings in it. I brought the cigarettes obviously aswell. I began walking as I didn't want to bring my car to school tomorrow.
And the group is here aswell

We met at the park, it started with laughs and such, but Jisung was acting a bit bit off..
"Jisung are you okay?"

"NO. im fucking not. I SWEAR TO GODDDD UGH FUCK MY SELF" Jisung cried sinking down to the dirty, wet floor

"Jisung its okay... what happened?" Felix came behind Jisung and knelt down to caress Jisung's shoulder


"Jisung just talk to us we will support you always, you know that right Jisung?" Chan said coming from Jisung's other shoulder

"Beom seok.."

"Beom seok what Jisung? What did he do?" Felix said becoming more aggressive


The whole group leant nearer to Jisung to hear what he was going to say

"He broke up with me.."

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