Chapter 1

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Hello! This is my first book. I would love it that you take the time to read at least the first paragraph. <3 Thanks for taking the time to read this. Enjoy!


I never thought of ever trying to take a step outside my comfort zone. I just didn't want to try. I'm 17. Name is Melody Heavens. I go to Nashville North High School. I'm anti-social and don't have many friends. There is this one girl named Lucy , that tries to talk to me, but I feel to nervous and don't say much.

Lucy is one of those girls, that looks like she should be modeling for some famous magazine. She has brown wavy hair with ocean like color eyes. She has a curvy body that makes all the boys drool when they walk pass her.

I really don't know why she decided to talk to me when she has so many wanting to be her friend.

Unlike her, I have wavy-curly dark brown hair. I always put my hair to a side braid. I don't have a cruvy body but an average body.

I have a family of four. My mom, dad, baby brother, and me. I love them very much but I can't show affection to them that easily. Even at home I'm quiet and at school I'm even more quiet.

"Hey Melody!!"

As I turned around, I see Lucy racing towards me. People turn to stare as she comes to my side.

"Lets go to class together."

"Um, sure..."

As we walk to class, I see a huge group of girls flirting with a guy turning the corner. His name is Taylor Branson.

He's a famous singer that is in every single magazine you can think of. His family is also in the business. I don't know why, but I really don't like him. There's something about him that screams "Watch out, I'm too good for you."

I quickly turn away and start walking faster.

"Woah, slow down Melody!"

I halted and stopped.

"Sorry, I....don't want to be late" I mumbled.

Lucy stares at me and nodded and we walk faster. As we walk into class, the boys all say hello to Lucy and she says hello back.

I take a seat by myself at the back as Lucy goes and says hi to her other friends. I start to open my notebook to read. As soon as I did that, I hear whining voices.

"Aww don't leave us Taylor!"

"Yeah...come play with us!"

"Sorry girls, I really need to get to class, off you all go now."

"Aww okay. See you later then!!"

As I watched the girls start to leave, I realize that the seat beside me is the only one left open. I quickly look down and pretend to read.

I hear footsteps coming towards my direction and become really stiff.


I look up to see warm dark blue eyes staring down at me.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Um, sure."

I quickly move over and giving extra space for him.

He sits down and takes out his books. When he finishes setting them on the desk we're sharing, he turns to look at me.

"So, did you do your homework?"

"....Yes... I did."

"Well that's good! I need help, do you mind helping me Melody?"

I was surprise that he knew my name. As I stare at him with shocked eyes, he looks back at me.


I quickly come back to my senses and give him my paper.

"Just give it back later." Turning towards the front.

For the whole class, I try to keep my eyes from staring at him. Of course I give up and look at him pass my hair. He has a muscular body. His shirt is well-fitted. His brown hair have soft waves which brings out his eyes more.


I looked up surprised.

"Sorry Mr. Karten, what did you ask?"

"I asked if you know the answer to the question."

"Oh um... Yes I do."

As the class goes on, I don't look at him. When the bell rang, I quickly put my books away and stand up. I start to walk away but a hand grabbed at me.

"Melody, here's your paper. Thanks."

I quickly mumble "you're welcome" and walk out. I'm at my locker and thinking about my day. While I think about it, I'm hoping no one is in the music room today.

As I walk to the music room. I hear a voice calling my name. I turn to see Lucy.

"Melody!! I'll see you tomorrow!"

I turn and say "bye" in a small voice.

I make it to the music room and I see no one, so I go in. I put my bag down and went to the piano. I sat down and made sure no one was here.

I take a deep breath and start to sing and play "Only Hope." I'm about half way done when I hear a rustle. I stop and turn. I don't see anyone.

"That was weird...."

I guess I'm too tired and decided to leave. I take my bag and go home.


Today I come to school very tired from not getting enough sleep. I forgot about the noise I heard in the music room yesterday. I make my way to my last class, and Lucy sees me and chats with me. I'm quiet but she doesn't seem to mind. As I get into my seat, Mr. Karten announces that we will be having a study period today. I'm glad and open my book to study.

The bell rings and I put my stuff away and hurry to my part time job at Harveys. They don't pay much but it keeps my family and me going. My dad had been laid off so I help the family.

The next day I'm at school and I am stopped in the hallway by someone I never imagined. It was Taylor.

********* End of chapter 1

This is the end of chapter 1. I would like to thank you for reading all the way to the end. Please give suggestions on my story. Please help me improve.

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