Chapter 10

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10000+reads!!! I feel like I hit a huge milestone! Thank you all so much! That made my day!


Taylor shook his head. He smiled.

"Well, the boy you met first wasn't me, but my twin brother."

Woah, twin brother?

I didn't say anything. I was too surprised.

He continued. "You did meet me though. Brandon and me would switch places to play with you. One day with him and one day with me."

I probably wouldn't have been able to tell the difference even if they were right next to each other. They looked exactly the same that I just assume it was one person.

"How come you didn't tell me you were twins?" I asked.

"We thought it would be fun to prank you. But you left a year after that. I didn't think I would see you again until I saw your name...." He trailed off.

"So your Taylor or Brandon?" I asked.

He laughed. "I'm Taylor."

His laugh made my chest tight. I ignored it.

"S-so where's Brandon? Do you guys still pretend that your each other?" I attempted to say it while smiling but stuttered instead.

Taylor's eye saddened and his smile disappear. He was quiet for a while. I thought that maybe he didn't hear my question correctly.

"Brandon...died." He said quietly.

I didn't know how to respond to the new so I just stayed quiet.

"I'm so sorry....." I said softly.

Taylor took a deep breath and smiled.

"Thanks. It's just that...that I haven't talk about him to anyone in a long time. No one knows that I have a twin brother other than my family. He was my best friend, and when he died I was all by myself."

Taylor's eyes were far away. He didn't say anything.

"How?" I asked.

"Hmm?" Taylor looked back at me.

"How....did he die?" I said the last word quietly, almost like a whisper.

Taylor's eyes were pitch black.

"He was killed by a drunk driver."

I was stunned. A drunk driver?

He continued. "We were 14. Our parents were driving us home when a truck hit us. When I woke up in the hospital they told me Brandon had died protecting me from the blow."

He hung his head. I saw a few drops of tears fall. I walked closer to him and hugged him. I let him stain my clothes and stayed quiet.

We were like that for a long time. It wasn't until the school bell rang that he pulled back.

"Thank you." His eyes were warm.

My chest ached again. Again, I ignored it.

"For?" I asked.

"For staying with me. And listening to my story." He said.

When he said that, the second bell rang.

"Lets continue this after school?"

"Sure...." I said.

He smiled and walked out. I waited a few minutes and left.

All day, the conversation with Taylor made me remember back to the time when I was more happy, more alive.

But, when grade 2 started, I was in a new school. I didn't know anybody. I was alone, and that's when the bullying started.

I was playing by myself in the school yard when these kids, more like 'monsters', came up to me and started to call me names.

Everyday they would do the same thing over and over again. Everyday I began to talk less and less.

When I moved again in grade 5, I told myself I would start fresh and make lots of friends. The plan didn't work out like I wanted.

A bully from my old school had transferred to the same school as me and the bullying continued.

By grade 9, I was to scared to even go to school. My parents moved again and this time I promised myself I would stay to myself and not say one word.

I was alone through high school, but I was fine by myself. I didn't bother others and they didn't bother me.

But, weirdly enough, Lucy wanted to be my friend. I ignored her at first but lately I've been opening up to her more.

I broke my train of thoughts when I heard the last period bell ring.

I walked to my locker in a dazed and opened it. I wasn't thinking of what to put in my bag.

Suddenly, a hand pushed me hard against the lockers.

I became a alert and looked to see who it was.

It was Bianca.

"I warned you didn't I?


Did you like the little twist at the beginning? I wanted to make it a bit more interesting.

Also lately, I've been getting a bit of writers block and its not helping with the headache I have going on at the moment. I really sorry and hope you don't mind. Thanks again for the 10000+reads!

Again, if you'd like.

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