Chapter 6

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Okay so, I reached 3500+ reads..... That's AWESOME!!! You don't understand how much this means to me. Thank you so much for all the comments! I will try my best to write better!    


Next Morning*****  

I opened my eye and I glazed at the ceiling. I glanced at the window and noticed that it was still dark outside. I turned to look at my clock which read 5:00AM. I rolled onto my stomach and tried to sleep again. 15 mins passed and I decided to just get up.

I got out of bed and stretched. My body was aching from head to toe. My shoulders were really sore and my face felt cold. My mind flashed back to the incident yesterday. I stiffened, remembering that I would have to see those so called "girls" agains today.

I slowly walked to washroom, trying to not make a single noise. I took a quick look in the mirror. My eyes were red. I groaned. What am I going to do?

I decided to take a shower and let the warm water run over me. I started to hum "Angel's Cry" and thought about how I would avoid Taylor and those girls today. I didn't want trouble today as my shoulders were killing me.

When I was finished, I looked at the mirror again. My eyes were better now. It wasn't too bad and would probably go unnoticed. I walked back to my room and checked the clock again. 5:45.

I went downstairs and had breakfast by myself. I ate it slowly while watching T.V. There was not much shows on, so I settled with a cooking show.

As I got to where the man started to cook the meat, my dad came down. "Good morning honey. Awake so early?" I turned around and yawned, "I guess so. I had a bad dream."

My dad walked to the kitchen and I followed him. I washed my bowl of cereal and my dad sat down with a cup of coffee.

I glanced at the kitchen clock. 6:45. I slowly dragged my feet upstairs to change. I took a pair of black yoga pants and wore that with a purple sweater. I decided to let my hair down today to cover up my face.

I haven't done my homework yet so I grabbed my work and ran downstairs to the living room. I finished in records time and it was 7:45. My dad asked if I wanted a lift and I accepted. I went upstairs and grabbed my school bag and came back down again.    


I got to school with a lot of time until school starts. I waved to my dad and walked up the school stairs. There were a few students around and I was nervous and very cautious. I looked around at my surroundings and looked around a lot.  I walked to my locker and opened it. There was a note.


We're watching you.


I looked at the note a few times. It didn't have a name, but I caught the smell of a strong perfume. Sweet. Too sweet. My mind flashed to Bianca. I shivered and crumbled the note. I shoved it into my locker and closed it.

By now, kids have started to show up and I walked to my class as fast as I could. I felt stares coming from all directions and I glued my eyes to the ground.

Lucy sat with me for all my classes. She chattered on and on, but only part of my brain was listening and the other part was not. Bianca's friend had been watching me all morning and it didn't make me feel too good.

I walked to fourth period with Lucy by my side. I haven't seen Taylor this whole morning. I knew he was at school. Well, I WAS avoiding him. My neck was now aching from having my eyes to the ground all day.

The door at my class was crowded. I peered over it to see Bianca literately humping Taylor. My eyes caught Bianca's and she smirked and continued to do it even harder. I stood there eyes wide. I turned to look at Taylor in disgust, and I caught Taylor's eyes. I flushed and looked away too quickly to see what emotions were in them.

I squeezed my way in and avoided Taylor's glaze. I talked to Lucy, trying to distract myself from that incident. Class started and the whole time I felt Taylor looking at me.

When class finished I left the class in a hurry and got to my locker. I quickly packed my books and left. I didn't go to tutor.    

One week later*****  

I got to school today early. I now easily was able to ignore Taylor and I didn't think of him as much. He still looks at me from time to time and I would get a bit red. I didn't understand my feelings at all. Bianca is always somewhere near Taylor. I learnt to ignore her and her friends too.

I was walking to the library and I felt a hand grab and pull me into a room. I looked up startled and saw Taylor. He put his arms on both sides of my face and looked at me with his dark blue eyes. I stiffened.

"Can you please tell me why you have been ignoring me for the past week? You didn't even come to my house on Friday." He stared at me, confusion in his eyes.

"You probably wouldn't understand even if I told you it was because of you." I thought to myself mentally. I just looked at him and said nothing.

He leaned in more and I felt his body heat. I leaned away from his advances. 

I answered him, "I-I just don't feel like coming, that's all. C-can I please leave now?" I pleaded.

"Not until you tell me what's going on. I know when you have something on your mind." He told me.

I was confused again. Wait what?

"W-what do you know?" I questioned him. He leaned away from me.

He seemed to realize that he had given something away and looked away. He was deep in thought and I remembered back to when I was at his house and he had mentioned something about 'before' too. I didn't have the chance to ask him about that either.

"You also said something about 'before' when I was at your house too." I said, confused. "What did you mean by that?"

His eyes flashed back to mine, a pained expression crossed his face.

This time I asked louder. "T-Taylor." I shuttered, from saying his name. I continued. "What did you mean by 'before'? And what about this time too, you said that 'you know'?

He was looking at me with a pained expression on his face when the door bursted open.

We both looked at the door. It was Bianca.

"What the hell is going on here?"    


I'm soooo sorry this chapter is kinda boring. I really am. I wrote this chapter in one go. There wasn't much happening in this chapter. I didn't have time to write this another day. It gets better in the next chapter I swear! Please help me improve and give me suggestions!! I would appreciate it!! Thank you so much again for 3500+reads.

Again, if you'd like.

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