Chapter 13

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We did it! We did it! We did it! Yay! (Did you sing it the way Dora sang it? I know you did ;))

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"I don't understand.... Mr. Landon is your.....manager?" I asked confused.

"Yes, manager, you know the people who organize stuff for people like me?" He smiled.

"No, I understand what you mean! But! What is he doing in school as a teacher?" I questioned him.

Taylor opened his mouth to answer my question but Mr. Landon cut him off.

"To keep this child from getting his image ruined." He said, smiling.

I grinned and said, "I see,"

I looked over at Taylor and he seemed a bit red. I grinned even wider.

"Alright, alright! Enough! Ethan, leave. I want to have a private talk with Melody." Taylor said, clearly irritated.

"But I need to watch over you." Ethan said in a teasing tone.

"Ethan, come on man, leave. This talk isn't for old people." Taylor said, smiling.

"Hey! I'm only 22." Ethan said back.

Taylor stared at Ethan and gave a quick glance at me and stared back at him.

I pretended to be distracted at a painting on the wall so they wouldn't notice I saw.

Ethan sighed and I looked back at them.

"Fine, just make sure to get home before dark. And make sure the door is also locked! I got precious things in here you know." Ethan looked at me and winked.

I blushed and looked down at my shoes.

"Yes mother. Now leave." Taylor said glaring at him.

When Ethan left, Taylor sighed and sat down on the chair beside me.

"Sorry about that, Ethan is such an ass."

"No it's fine, I like his personality." I giggled.

This surprised me.

I haven't smiled or laugh in a long time. It made me remember back to the time I was still in kindergarten, playing with my friends, smiling and laughing. Not having a care in the world.

Taylor laughed with me.

"I know. He's like a mother and brother to me if you know what I mean."

I smiled. "How long have you known each other?"

"Since we were in diapers." Taylor smiled.

He continued. "His mom and my mom were best friends. But he lived far away, so I didn't get to hang with him very often. But he moved to my neighborhood and we ended up become good friends."

He fell silent, smiling to himself.

I continued to ask questions and he would also ask me something in return.

I haven't talked this much in a while. We were so into the conversation that I didn't notice the time.

My phone suddenly started to ring.

"Sorry, one sec."

I looked at it. It was my mom. Oh god, mom!

I looked at the clock, 8:15. I looked out the window, it was getting dark outside.

I answered the phone in a hurry.


"Melody!! This is the second time you've been late! Do you have any idea what time it is? I was going to call the police because you didn't come home!"

I waited and let her rant. When she finished, then I said quietly.

"Sorry mom. It's just...." I paused, what could I say?

Taylor whispered, "Tell your mom you were helping me study!"

"Uh I was helping Taylor study! That's right I was helping him study." I told her quickly.

"I'll be home soon. I promise." I said.

"Okay. Make sure to call me next time! You had me worry sick." She sighed.

"I know, I won't forget. I'll be home in a few. Bye!" I promised.

I closed my phone and sighed.

I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"I need to get home." I grumbled.

I hated to go outside and wait for the bus. It was going to be so cold.

"I can drive you home, I have time." Taylor said, getting up.

He stretched and walked to the door, opening it for me.

"Ladies first." He bowed.

I laughed, "Thanks."

The lights in the hallways were still on. The heater was off and it was freezing.

We got to the front entrance in a hurry.

I tried to push the door to the entrance, but it didn't budge. I tried again, nope.

Taylor tried to open it, it didn't work either.

"Hm I guess we're stuck here." Taylor said casually.

I panicked. What are we going to do? Are we going to be stuck here together all night? Oh no...

Taylor seemed to notice the panicked look on my face and he laughed.

"Come on, I know a way." He grabbed my hand and led me towards a window at the side entrance.

He opened the window and climbed out.

"Come on Melody. Climb out."Taylor said on the other side.

After a long struggle with the window, I was able to get out.

Taylor drove me home and we made it just before 9.

"Thanks for driving me home." I gave him a smile.

He smiled back, "Anytime."

I got out and closed the door. I turned to go towards my house when Taylor called out to me.

"Melody! I'll see you at your locker tomorrow." He winked.

I blushed and ran inside.

I went to bed as soon as I ate dinner and showered. I laid there and reflected on my day.

Today was a good day. I got to get rid of Bianca and her friends. I was able to talk with Taylor and catch up with him.

Yes, today was a good day.

I smiled.


Well... This chapter was boring wasn't it? I'm sorry :(. Writers block is on full on mode right now. But I'll try to better next chapter! Promise.

Suggestions for the next chapter is always welcomed! Inbox me!

Again if you'd like.

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