Chapter 9

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We are approaching 10000 reads very soon! Thank you all for getting me so far!


I looked at Taylor.

"W-what does that have to do with you?" I tried to speak confidently but stuttered instead.

His eyes widen a bit before saying, "I'm just telling you to stay away from him. You don't know what he can do."

"Well, I don't care about what he does. He helped me when I was alone." I tried not to raise my voice.

I watched as he started to get angrier, he didn't say anything so I continued.

"I don't understand why you keep bothering me. You keep all these secrets and don't tell me the reasons for them." I told him, getting mad.

He stared at me in silence. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He opened his eyes and stared at me again.

"What is it you want to know?" He asked quietly.

I stood there, not saying one word as I thought of what questions I should ask.

Taylor seem to notice that I was thinking it through. He sighed and waited.

I thought of the question I wanted to ask most.

I stared at him straight in the eyes. "What did you mean by 'before' and 'I know'?"

I needed to know what he meant. It's been bothering me a lot more then I wanted it to be.

He stared at me back and said, "Do you remember that time when you were six. You would always go to that playground near your old home."

I remembered it. I use to play there with my friends. That playground had the best monkey bars ever. Before grade 2 started, I moved houses. I remember even crying. I really missed that playground. I smiled at that memory. That was before I was anti-social.

Wait, how did he know about that?

"H-how do you know about that?" I asked, scared. Was he stalking me or something?

He looked at me, amused. "Do you remember that boy that you invited to play tag with every day?"

***Flashback, six year old Melody***

I was with my friends at the playground.

"Melody!!!! Let's play tag! Everyone come here. I'll do "Black shoe" to figure out who will be 'it'." One of my friends yelled.

I ran to where all my friends were. I ran pass the swings and stopped.

A small brown haired, blue eyed child sat at the swings. He was the new kid in the neighborhood. He had moved into the big house down the street. Whenever I went by, I would glaze up at it and wonder if I would ever live in a house like that.

He never played with us. He would always be by himself by the swings. No one really dared to talk to him. Most of my girlfriends had a crush on him. I had to admit, he was really cute.

But that one day I decided to ask him to play with us.

I walked up to him.

"Hey. I'm Melody!" I said shyly.

The boy looked up, startled.

"Hello, I'm Brandon." Brandon said.

I smiled. "Would you like to play tag with us? It's going to be so much fun!"

Brandon took a peek behind me and saw all my friends smiling. He looked back at me and I gave him a big smile.

He nodded and got up. We all played until it was time to go.

We became best friends soon after. We would play everyday and tell each other everything. He was my first best friend.

When I moved, I remember crying with Brandon.

"Y-you promise to always remember me?" He sobbed.

"I-I-I promise!" I had cried back and gave him a last hug.

I never saw him again after that.

***End of flashback***

I smiled at the memory. I really hope I get to meet him again someday.

I forgot Taylor was with me and I was probably smiling like an idiot. I stopped my goofy expression. His face flashed into my mind.

Wait, brown hair? Blue eyes?

I gasped.

I broke my train of thought and looked at Taylor.

"Taylor... Was that little boy. You?"


Yayyyy!! Two chapters in one week. It was hard but I did it. Hope you liked this chapter. It has more of Melody's childhood memory. Thank you all SO much for the 9000+reads!

Again if you'd like.

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