Chapter 5

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Thank you for the 1500+ reads!! I'm glad some of you like it!! Onward to chapter 5!


I never got scared easily, but the glares these girls were sending me were deadly.

I look at them terrified.

"Um, s-sorry did you need something?" I asked, my voice shaking and avoiding their glare.

"Obviously we need something from you. Why would we talk to you in the first place if we didn't need something?" One of the girls said, looking at me like I was stupid.

That slightly hurt but I ignored it. I waited for them to continue on. They were silent. "What did you need?" I looked at them.

One of the girls was Bianca Lopez. She is the leader of the group. I took a step back after spotting her. She is the head cheerleader. She had a killer body with black curly hair and brown hazel eyes. She wears top designer clothes and has every guy chasing her. But to me she is only second to Lucy. She stepped forward and looked at me, no glared at me. "I want you to stay away from Taylor." Bianca continued to glare at me. I was confused.

"B-but I don't even talk to him in the first place!!" I said bewildered. "So your telling me for the past week, the person we see talking to him isn't you?" she questioned me, eyebrows raised. I slowly looked down. "Well t-that was me, but that was only when I bumped into him by accident."

Pain shot across my face. Bianca slapped me in the face. I think its going to leave a handprint. I put my hand onto the place she hit and my face was going numb. I looked back up ,stunned. Her eyes were blazing.

"Don't lie to me you little bi*ch!! My friends saw you go inside his house and you didn't come back out almost 2 hours later!! So don't tell me you just 'bumped' into him!" She screamed. "Do you have ANY idea, how long it took me to get him to even talk to me? I haven't even had the chance to even have a 5 minute conversation with him and you come in and take him away from me!!"

I cringed away from her. I couldn't believe she said that. Does she not know I'm tutoring him? My face was starting to sting a little when a hand push me against the lockers. I gasped. "Don't ignore me. Have you been listening to what I've been saying this entire time?!" she screamed into my ear, a bit lower this time. There was no students in the halls and it was pretty much empty.

She grabbed my shoulder harder and I nodded back to her. I had the urge to push her away but decided against it. "Don't you dare come near him again! Do you hear me?!" She yelled again.

My ears were starting to hurt so I just nodded again. I didn't mind staying away from him. It would just be like the old times where no one bothered me.

Bianca finally let go of me apparently guessing she got the message in. "Good, you stay away from him and I won't do anything got it?" She asked one last time. "Yes..." I said, too frighten to say anything else.

She walked away with her group of friends. She looked back at me and said, "Honestly, I don't see why Taylor is interested in a freak like you." Her friends were all smirking and laughing. I was terrified and my body started to ache.

When I was sure they were gone, I slide down my locker. I inhaled and slowly exhaled. It wasn't working much but it kinda worked. It won't be much of a mission to pretend he doesn't exist. It's just going to be the same as it was before. Back to being the freak and loser.


When I got home, my parents were in their bedroom, probably watching T.V. I didn't see Jason anywhere so I quietly closed the front door. I checked the clock and it read 6:30pm.

When Bianca and her friends left, I stayed an extra 2 hours just to be sure they had left. I called my parents telling them I was studying in the library and would eat something there. I quickly walked upstairs to my room and closed it behind me. I went into my washroom and turned on my lights.

I took a look at myself in the mirror. My hair was a complete mess. Half of my face was completely red. I could see the finger marks from Bianca's hand. It was getting numb so it didn't hurt as bad as before. My body was aching from head to toe.

I took a quick shower and it felt good on my aching body.

Bianca was pretty strong. My shoulders were really red and handprints can be seen on there too. I got out and dried myself. I went straight to bed not bothering with homework.

I closed my eyes and My mind flashed back to the accident.


"You little bi*ch!"

"Honestly, I don't see why Taylor would be interested in a freak like you"

****end of flashback****

My eyes bursted open and I laid there inhaling and exhaling loudly. My eyes teared up and I started to sob quietly. I cried myself to sleep.


Thanks for reading chapter 5! It's pretty short I know. I just wanted this specific part in its own chapter. Please give me opinions on what you want to happen in the story. Thanks again for the 1500+ reads!!

Please, if you like. 

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