Chapter 2

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Hello! I really need to thank all those who actually read my book. Everyday I come on and see that at least 1 more person decided to read it and that puts a big smile on my face! :) I would like to dedicate this chapter to my best friend Choocolate. She has been there to support me through this whole thing and she also just started her first book. Make sure to check it out!


I looked up to see Taylor looking down at me. I looked at his hand that was wrapped around my wrist. He probably noticed me staring because he moved his hand and took a step back.

"Uh sorry." He said looking down.

I nodded and looked down. I started to walk around him but he said, "Wait!" I turn again and look at him in shock. I never thought in my lifetime that he would actually talk to me in public expect to ask for something. I stopped and waited for him to say something. I looked at him in the eyes and he didn't seem to know what to say.


I waited for him to say something but he didn't seem like he knew how to form the words he wanted to say. I didn't know what to do, but the bell saved me. I said sorry and hurried off to class.

All day I couldn't think of any reason to why he stopped me today in the hall. If he had needed help on homework there were plenty of other girls that would have been glad to give him their homework. As I was thinking about it, the bell suddenly rang and surprised me. I got out of my third period and walked off to fourth.

I made a quick stop to my locker when I bumped into Lucy.

Surprised, Lucy said, "Oh hey Melody. Sorry, didn't notice you there."

"It's fine..." I mumbled quietly.

I started to walk off to fourth period, I saw Lucy wave bye to her other friends she was with and ran to my side.

"Lets go to class together." she said cheerfully. She chattered excitly about a concert she was going to soon. I wasn't paying much attention but manged to add some "ohhhs" and "ahhhs." I was starting to get really use to her presence, but I still was not able to talk much. Just a little.

We made it to fourth period and Lucy decided to sit with me today. As I sat down at my seat, she was still talking about the concert and what she was going to wear. I was getting really sleepy when something she said brought me out of it.

She was saying how the other day she saw Taylor making out with some girl at the mall and wanted to know who she was. I don't know why but that made me feel weird inside.

"Aw, Taylor's not here today?" Some girls were huddled at the door looking into the classroom to get a glimpse of Taylor. I hadn't noticed he wasn't here until they mentioned that.

"Alright alright girls!!" Mr. Karten was at the door behind the girls trying to get inside. "Off to classes now! Now!"

The girls all scattered and class started.


After class ended, I decided to use the afternoon to go to the library to study some notes I missed since I didn't have to work today. I took a quick trip to my locker to switch books and walked off to the library. I found a seat that was off in the corner and went to sit there. I took out my books and started to go through them. I sat facing to the back. I didn't hear any footsteps when a figure sat in front of me. I looked up.

"Hey there."

It was Taylor. I was confuse to why he was sitting in front of me when there were plenty of other seats in the library.

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