Chapter 8

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Wow! Thank you for the 7000+reads! I know I say this in every chapter, but thank you all for helping me get this far. It amazing to see those reads increase and increase. Really, thank you! Read to the end and see the new I have to you all to see!! :)


I looked up in horror. Bianca looked pissed off.

She stood right in front of me. All I could see were her huge breasts. They were literally in my face. I looked away.

Bianca suddenly pushed me into the lockers. I winced. My bruises from last week were still there.

Bianca glared at me and said, "Didn't I tell you that if you get close to him I would do worse? You don't listen do you?"

She slapped me across the face. I didn't dare to move because I was afraid she would slap me again. Her friends watched as she punched and kicked me hard multiplie times.

By the 10th punch, I felt awful and wanted to puke. I didn't fight back because I knew it would become worse. She kneed me in the stomach and I fell back against the lockers and slumped to the ground. My stomach was in so much pain. I moaned.

Why did I ever get involved with Taylor? This was all his fault! I should've ignored him the first time we met! Now because of him, I'm getting beat up by his so called 'obsessed fan girls'.

Bianca stopped for a moment, catching her breath. She turned to her friends, "You guys want to have a go at her?" They looked at me, not saying a word and shook their heads. Bianca shrugged and slapped me once more.

She stopped and looked at me with a disgusted look on her face. I felt blood flow down my face. I touched my face and looked at my hands. It was pretty bad.

I heard footsteps coming towards our direction and I held my breath. What will they do if they saw me like this? Would they see Bianca and turn a blind eye? Or would they help me and call for help?

I waited for the decision that person will make when they see me. Bianca looked at me then at where the footsteps were heard. She looked at her friends and ran towards the exit. They glanced at me and ran after Bianca.

I looked at where they left and sighed. A sharp pain came from the side of my stomach and I moaned out loud.

I opened my eyes and see Mr. Landon. I looked at him and he looked at me back with sad eyes. He walked towards me and bent down to my eye level.

He didn't say anything and touched my cheek. I winced at the touch. He froze and realized what he just did. He dropped his hands and looked at me, "Are you alright? Come with me to my office. I'll help you."

I looked at him stunned. Wasn't he going to ask what happened? I shook my head and tried to stand but toppled over instead. He caught me and put my arm around his shoulder.  

"Come with me. I can help." He insisted.

He half walked and half dragged me to his office. We made it to his office and he sat me in a chair. He took out the first-aid box and began to clean my face in silence.

As he did that, I examined Mr. Landon. He had light hazel hair with light green eyes. He had a tall muscular body. He was probably in his mid-twenties. He was also very popular among the girls, almost the same as Taylor. The thought of Taylor made me think of the accident that just happened a few minutes ago. I winced.

"Sorry." Mr. Landon murmured.

I shook my head, "No, it's fine."

"Do you mind lifting up your shirt so I can see where to bandage?" He asked. I blushed but did as he asked. He skillfully bandaged up my stomach.

When he was done he closed the box and said, "I'm so sorry for what happened. Would you like me to report it to the guidance?"

I shook my head. No use telling the teachers. They wouldn't do anything if they knew it was Bianca. After all, she was the daughter of the school principle.

Mr. Landon looked at me thinking hard about something. "Would you like to tell me what happen? Maybe where it all started. I can help a bit."

I thought it through. I wasn't sure if I could trust this person. But, he saw what happened and surely he would tell a teacher if I didn't tell him. I told him everything. From meeting Taylor to what Bianca had said until now. He listened to me without interrupting.

After I was done, he closed his eyes. "Taylor, what an idiot. I told him so many times....." He mumbled.

He opened his eyes and met my glaze. "I'm so sorry. I told Taylor to be careful and of course he didn't listen to me."

"It's fine." I knew Bianca was coming sooner or later. "Please keep this a secret." I pleaded.

He thought it through. He nodded and said, "I will, but please tell me if anything happens from now on. I also will not tell Taylor about this accident." He promised.

I sighed in relief. I got up from my seat and winced. "Let me drive you home. Your stomach must be hurting." He said.

"Thank you!" I was so relieved that I didn't have to wait at the bus stop. I looked at the clock. It was almost 5. Mom must be worried.

Mr. Landon drove me home and told me to be careful. I thanked him and went inside.

Next morning~~~~

I didn't bother to eat breakfast and went straight to school.

I didn't talk to Taylor. I went to class like usual. I ignored Bianca and her friends. Lucy didn't come to school either so I was pretty much by myself the whole day.

At the end of the day I went to talk to Mr. Landon like he asked.

He asked if had anything happened. He also asked if there was anything he could help with. He was such a nice and kind person. His voice made me feel safe.

4 days later~~~~

My bruises were better now. They can hardly be seen. I felt a lot better too.

I've been going to Mr. Landon's office everyday. He would always listened to everything I said. He made me feel comfortable and safe to talk with, almost like a second father.

I haven't talked to Taylor since that accident with Bianca. I walked to my locker and felt a hand pull me. It was Taylor.

"Come with me." He told me. He seemed mad about something. I was going to say no but his eyes made me stop and to just follow him. We went inside a classroom and he let me go.

He stared at me said, "Stay away from Mr. Landon."


Well I felt this chapter was boring. I'm sorry! :( I promise it will be better next chapter. ALSO, I was thinking of updating twice a week. Maybe Tuesday and Friday. I don't know if it will give me to much stress. What do you guys think? Comment or inbox me!

Again, if you'd like.

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