wanna race?

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vridha's pov

realising this is how everyday in my life always looked like until i moved out drained me to the core , even though now the situation is less controlled but back then it was all worse , sometimes i feel so bad for my younger self thinking what wrong did she ever do but honestly i don't think this feeling will ever change

when abhimaan said yes about asking me out on a date my heart skipped a beat and a small smile erupted on my face , i still remember the taste of his soft lips on mine

he had a faint shade of red mark on his lips and it felt so good it was like i marked him mine and no woman could do it now again or as far as this whole contract thing goes on , the contract was the realisation that none of this was real and will stay the same , i never liked it serious anyways so itll be the same with him too right?

"cut your mind a slack meri jaan you can think about me when i am not around you" he gently wrapped my hand around his with a teasing smirk on his face but i was no way going to let him flatter me "you aren't worth the time hun i was just thinking about you in my head or precisely being delusional so my hand wont come in contact with your face" lies

"if that helps you sleep better at night" getting out of the car he dashed to open the door for me as we were now standing on a race track with a black bugatti near us

"i wanted to wait until i gave you this but yea i am not sorry tho cause i will break thousands of cars heck even kill for you  if any man even touches you"

author's pov

gasping at his weird confession she was confused about what he actually wanted "same goes for you too then maan , you haven't seen me rip hearts apart from people's body while they're alive and i bet if any of those plastic whores even come near you i will burn every part of their skin they touched you with" moving towards him she gently placed a kiss on the collar of his white shirt which left a stain

"were you jealous of that girl from the party?" he slightly chuckled remembering how another wannabe girl wanted to get in his pants for the name and reputation

ignoring him she sat in her new car waiting for both of him to sit in his and start the car "get in mr rajput or are you scared that you will lose?" she rolled down her window and looked at him with a proud smirk

"i could be anything but a loser madam , par apni jaan ke saamne haarne mae kaisi sharam" (but losing in front of you wouldn't be embarrassing) rolling her eyes at his cheesy lines pretending that everytime he called her jaan blood rushed on her cheeks they started the race

the voices of their super cars echoed the whole arena , vridha was currently leading and that made her over confident ass smile but soon she heard a swoosh and abhimaan had passed her while she was busy boosting her ego

speeding up she reached side by side to abhimaan rolling down her window as she saw him staring at her , she blew a kiss at him seductively which made him shocked and amused

he looked at her feeling his pants getting tight just the way her luscious lips stared at him wanting to be eaten , they had the desire to burn each other out since the time they saw each other and the kiss today just made it worse

taking her chance she increased the speed and before he could comprehend she already reached the marking line , satisfied with her little stunt both of them pulled themselves out of their cars as he barged in front of her

"you clearly cheated" pinning her to the car as  both of them stared at each other he whispered "you never mentioned there were any rules" sliding her arms around his neck as his firmly rested on her waist she pulled him towards her , dangerously close to his lips

"yes but mhm" before he could finish whatever sentence he wanted to say , she placed her lips around his , holding her neck with one hand and her waist with another as he squeezed her neck slightly making her gasp

taking the opportunity he slid his tongue inside her mouth both of them fighting for dominance , his hands moved further down towards her thighs as he raised her and made her sit on the car with her legs tightly wrapped around his torso

running out of breath as his hand still rubbing her thigh they pulled out "if this is what i get after losing i want to race everyday just so i could i lay my hands on you" she chuckled still flushed about this hot make out session

"you asked me if i was jealous right? i will never be cause only i can make you loose control mr rajput" pressing her lips on his neck as she slightly left kisses on it making his breath hitched

"don't or else i wont be able to control" he muttered trying to control the moan "i never told you to control" she looked at him with fuck me eyes as her hands clutched his belt

"you're so desperate aren't you lil one"

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