chapter Twenty Seven

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Once Soifon had successfully distanced Brian from the tree, Erin discreetly returned to where Thomas was situated amidst the mud.The brunette leaned down towards the prone figure on the ground and inquired, 'Are you able to stand?'"

Thomas opened his eyes to find Erin hovering over him. 'Why did you come back?' he questioned. 'Didn't I explicitly instruct the two of you to evacuate this location?'"

With a raised eyebrow, Erin looked at Thomas and responded, 'Initially, we were intending to comply, but upon hearing a gunshot, Soifon insisted on not abandoning you here.' She clarified whilst firmly grasping his hand to assist in raising him to a standing position.

'We cannot afford to linger in this vicinity any longer. Soifon is currently diverting Brian's attention until we manage to exit the woods, where she will rendezvous with us.' Erin stated, pulling Thomas upright.

Thomas, becoming more steady on his feet, remarked, 'We shouldn't be too far from a nearby road. I am capable of walking, so let us proceed.' He took the lead, guiding Erin through the thicket.

"Erin followed the man through the woods," Thomas inquired, moving a branch out of their path, "What is our plan once we exit this wooded area?" Erin elucidated while stepping over a fallen branch, "Once we reach the road, if you possess a mobile phone, I can contact my superior and arrange for our transportation."

"I do possess a mobile phone," Thomas confirmed, retrieving it from his pocket to check its battery life, "It is halfway charged." Erin smiled and nodded, stating, "That is all we require."

After traversing the woods for twenty minutes, Erin and Thomas were nearing the road. "Finally," Erin whispered excitedly as she spotted the faint glow of a streetlight.

Upon reaching the road, Erin stopped beside the lamppost and took Thomas' phone once he handed it to her. She proceeded to enter Voight's phone number and pressed the call button.

Erin's lips were parched as she anxiously waited for her foster father to answer. "Come on, Voight," she muttered, pacing back and forth on the gravel.

Voight's voice emanated from the phone on the other end, prompting Erin to release a breath of relief. "Thank goodness you answered," Erin whispered, grateful for the connection.

"Erin, where are you? Are you and Soifon injured?" Voight's voice reverberated through the phone, causing Erin to momentarily move it away from her ear.

"Soifon and I are unharmed, at least for the moment. I will explain everything once you arrive to pick us up. We are currently near the vicinity of the woods," Erin paced anxiously as she relayed the information to Voight, informing him of the presence of another individual with them.

"Very well, I will be there shortly to collect both of you. Remain in your current position and refrain from moving," Voight instructed, his voice a mixture of concern and urgency. Erin could hear him gathering his belongings and departing from the house, as he abruptly closed the door.

"Understood. We will await your arrival," Erin stated before ending the call, enabling Voight to track Thomas' phone and determine their exact location. Handing Thomas his phone back, she whispered, "Let us go, Soi," her gaze fixed on the woods, an unsettling feeling gnawing at her gut.

*Soifon's P.O.V

Soifon trailed behind Brian as they traversed the woods. Glancing over her shoulder, she regretted not allowing enough time for Erin to retrieve Thomas so that she could easily elude Brian. However, Brian ensured a watchful eye on her. Perceiving her distracted state, he inquired, 'What occupies your thoughts?'"

"I am preoccupied with nothing," Soifon responded, artfully feigning a smile while diverting her gaze towards the ground. Contemplating methods of escape, her cerulean eyes discovered something that could serve as a distraction. She then focused her attention on Brian and declared, 'Behold, a wolf!' Pretending astonishment, she gestured towards the spot where she alleged sighting the animal.

Soifon observed Brian raise an inquisitive eyebrow and shift his gaze towards her designated direction. 'Wolves do not inhabit these parts of the woods,' he remarked, before redirecting his attention back to Soifon. Seizing the opportunity, Soifon swiftly darted in the opposite direction, hoping to outpace Brian's pursuit.

"'You insolent wretch, come back here!' Brian bellowed, hastily giving chase. As Soifon dashed away from Brian, she periodically glanced over her shoulder, desiring to outwit him in this relentless pursuit.

Soifon increased her pace as Brian continued to chase after her, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. Glancing back, she noticed that Brian was still right behind her. Determined to stay aware of her surroundings, Soifon turned her head to keep an eye on her path as she ran.

"Return to me immediately," Brian commanded, his voice filled with urgency as he closed in on the woman with black hair. "I won't hesitate to use force." Aware of his proximity, it wouldn't be difficult for him to capture her.

Despite the shouts from Brian, Soifon focused on her escape, not allowing his words to distract her. However, in her turmoil, she failed to notice a tree root jutting out from the ground. Her foot caught on it, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Damn it," Soifon growled, attempting to quickly regain her footing and continue running. However, before she could react, a foot kicked her back down. Brian taunted her, confident in his success. "Did you really think you could get away, you foolish woman? You were mistaken."

Without a chance to respond, Brian forcefully struck Soifon's temple with the back of his gun, causing her to lose consciousness. "You will sleep now," he ordered.

Brian lifted Soifon and placed her over his shoulder before making his way back to the hideout. While doing so, he sent a text message to Ace, informing him that he had successfully captured one of their targets and was currently en route.

* Erin's P.O.V*

Erin anxiously bit her lip while pacing alongside the road, her unwavering gaze fixed on the surrounding woods. 'Come on, Soifon,' she murmured under her breath, her voice filled with impatience. 'What is taking you so long? Voight will be arriving soon.' She brushed a strand of hair away from her face as she whispered.

"'I am certain she will be here shortly,' Thomas reassured Erin in a hushed voice, leaning against the light pole and cradling his wounded arm. 'But what if something has happened? I explicitly told her not to be gone for too long,' Erin fretted, halting her pacing as soon as she spotted Voight's truck approaching them.

Thomas maintained a calm expression as he regarded her. 'Let us hear what Voight has to say,' he suggested, striding over to Voight's truck. Voight swiftly exited the vehicle and rushed over to Erin, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

Erin was on the verge of speaking when Voight abruptly embraced her, and she reciprocated the hug. After they separated, Voight inquired about Soifon's whereabouts, scanning his surroundings for the raven-haired woman. Erin replied that they were still waiting for her, redirecting her gaze back towards the woods.

Voight's expression soured as he observed the woods. "How long have you been waiting for her?" he asked. Thomas interjected, strolling over and prompting Voight to redirect his attention to him. "We must have your arm and you, Erin, examined," Voight quietly urged, addressing Erin.

Erin regarded her foster father as if he was speaking nonsense. "We cannot abandon Soifon; I am certain she is on her way," she objected, steadfast in her refusal to leave her lover behind. "I informed her that I would go after her if she exceeded a certain timeframe," she revealed, sensing Voight's hand resting on her shoulder. "Erin, it has been two hours, and it is imperative that both you and this gentleman receive medical attention. We will return for Soifon after we have taken you both to the hospital," he declared.

Erin attempted to voice her protest when Voight glanced in her direction. "I am certain that Ace has captured her once again, considering her absence up until now," Voight stated as he assisted Erin in entering the truck while Thomas climbed into the back. "Once both of you have been examined, you may disclose the location of Ace's hideout, and I guarantee we will retrieve her," Voight assured.

Erin wore a disapproving expression, finding it difficult to accept Voight's decision of leaving Soifon behind. However, she acknowledged that he was correct, as well as Soifon's ability to protect herself temporarily. She leaned back in her seat and watched the woods recede through the window as Voight drove away, suppressing the tightness in her throat.

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