Chapter Fifteen

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A few weeks has passed since the receipt of the threatening letter, and there have been no further developments regarding Ace's plan.

Soifon approached the bullpen with a smile on her face, noticing that her previous bruises on her face and side had healed. She was currently feeling content as she was spending time with the person she loved, and was relieved that she hadn't received any threatening remarks from Ace. She recognized that he was likely devising a plan, but she dismissed the thought and continued to her desk. Upon seeing her girlfriend Erin sitting in her chair with a smile, Soifon greeted her with a good morning.

Placing her coat carefully over her chair, she took her seat and stated, 'We have a minor case coming up in a few minutes; nothing too serious. It involves some drugs found in a house.' Erin relayed this information to Soifon, who responded with a smile and a nod. 'That seems to be the trend for the past week, and I have no objections,' Soifon remarked contentedly. Erin agreed with a nod and inquired, 'Who will be accompanying us to the house?'

"Jay will be accompanying us," Erin informed. Soifon nodded agreeably. "May I inquire about our departure time?" the younger woman asked, taking a seat. "We shall leave once Jay decides to join us and ceases his flirtation with Mouse," Erin replied, her face adorned with a mischievous smile.

Jay remarked humorously as he approached the bullpen. Soifon glanced towards the man, noticing his cheerful expression as he approached. Erin retorted confidently, "What I said is indeed accurate," accompanied by a smirk.

"Don't mess up my hair, Halstead," Erin hissed, glaring at the man, after Jay playfully ruffled her hair upon reaching the women. Soifon couldn't help but laugh at the interaction between the two.

Erin glanced at her partner upon hearing Soifon's laughter. She expressed her disapproval by pouting, which only caused the raven-haired woman to laugh even harder. Teasingly, Soifon remarked that they both behaved like children. Jay was taken aback by this comment and exclaimed that Erin may act like a child, but he certainly does not. This statement resulted in a smack to Jay's chest from the brunette. Erin smirked and retorted, claiming that it is actually Jay who behaves like a child.

After a while of teasing Jay, Erin stated that they should proceed with inspecting the house and completing the task.

All three individuals proceeded to Erin's vehicle and commenced their journey to the designated residence where they were required to conduct an inspection pertaining to the controlled substances. Erin confidently asserted, 'The task at hand should not consume a significant amount of time.' As Erin maneuvered the vehicle towards the location, Soifon expressed her concurrence with a nod.

* Ace's P.O.V at the hideout*

Ace observed the assembled individuals before him, patiently awaiting his commands. Over the course of the preceding weeks, they had meticulously devised a plan to apprehend Soifon and Erin. Ace believed that their operation was progressing satisfactorily, as he had diligently prepared all the necessary resources.

Observing each of his associates, it was evident that Jack stood in close proximity to him, presumably due to his secondary position. Brian occupied a chair next to Thomas, engaging in whispered conversation.

Ace released a sigh prior to commencing his discourse with the men. "The moment is almost upon us to apprehend Soifon and Erin," he stated while walking towards a substantial whiteboard adorned with photographs of the aforementioned women, secured in place by tape.

Ace pressed one of the pictures for a brief moment before redirecting his attention towards the men. 'In what manner do you wish for us to proceed?' Jack inquired, his hand tightly clenched into a fist as he exhibited readiness to commence the task at hand, noticeable through the flicker in his deep blue eyes.

Ace observed the blond individual before him with a mischievous expression, and inquired, 'Would this evening be suitable? You and Thomas may proceed with our strategy for apprehending them once it has been devised.' Jack acknowledged this proposition with a nod of agreement, and exclaimed, 'I have a notion!' He promptly moved towards the board, claiming a marker and commencing the task of documenting the plan.

Jack commenced elucidating the strategy, his eyes emitting a perilous gleam. 'Indeed, it is imperative that we exercise restraint in inflicting harm upon our targets upon apprehension. Instead, a more efficacious approach would involve subduing them using a means that ensures prolonged unconsciousness, enabling us to control their presence for a desired duration.' He explained, 'Subsequently, we shall proceed by segregating the captives into individual chambers.'

"I am in agreement with your proposal," Ace responded with a smile. "However, in the event that they resist, take necessary action." The man with lengthy hair suggested, "Please ensure that you dress in attire of dark hue and don masks to conceal your identities."

"Now, why don't you and Tom proceed to make preparations for tonight?" Ace instructed Jack and Thomas, who acknowledged his instructions and left to get ready for the evening. "And Brian, I expect you to ensure that the rooms are properly prepared, including the provision of chains." Ace addressed the remaining team member, who remained silent. "Very well." The dark-haired man agreed and departed after briefly exchanging a glance with Ace. "What will you be doing?" He inquired. "I will be getting ready for their arrival as well, as it is imperative that Soifon faces appropriate consequences for her actions."

* Erin's P.O.V*

It did not take Erin, Soifon, and Jay much time to arrive at the designated house. After Erin parked the car, all individuals disembarked and proceeded towards the entrance. 'Very well, let us complete the task at hand and then return to Headquarters,' Erin stated, while delivering a single knock on the door once they reached it.

Upon being granted entry, the detectives proceeded to perform a thorough search of the premises for narcotics and illicit weaponry. Erin suggested that Soifon and Jay divide their efforts by exploring separate rooms.

Erin proceeded to a bedroom in order to investigate why Jay and Soifon ventured to the side of the house. She emitted a soft sound as she surveyed her surroundings, making her way towards the dresser where she commenced a search.

After a thorough hour-long search, Erin, Soifon, and Jay failed to locate any drugs or illegal weapons within the premises. Erin promptly informed the owner that their search yielded no results and subsequently announced their intentions to depart. Soifon and Jay left the house and proceeded to the car, with Erin trailing closely behind.

"How about we make a brief stop at a suitable location to procure sustenance?" Jay suggested amicably as be entered the back seat. "I currently experience hunger," he informed, while Erin commenced driving away from the premise. "You consistently exhibit an appetite," Erin gently mocked as she drove with a contented expression.

Soifon couldn't help but smile at their teasing. 'You two are just children,' she teased. Erin playfully nudged her with her free arm, saying, 'Hahaha very funny, I forgot to laugh.' She said with a smile. Jay laughed as well, saying, 'Anyway, let's stop somewhere and get something to eat.' He said, shaking Erin's seat playfully. 'Alright, alright, stop shaking my seat,' the brunette said as she drove into a McDonald's drive-thru.

'But you're paying, Halstead, since you're the one that is hungry,' Erin said with a smirk on her face. 'I can help with it,' Soifon offered. Jay laughed, shaking his head. 'No, it's alright, I don't mind,' he said.

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