Chapter Five

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(The picture Is Ace but with icy blue eyes!)

Upon hearing the man's voice, Soifon attempted to regain her composure. Despite her efforts to remove his hand from her mouth, he had a firm hold on her neck.

The man proceeded to whisper into her ear, asserting that her attempts to escape were futile. He warned her that any resistance would result in further harm. Soifon reluctantly nodded in affirmation, unable to prevent herself from whimpering.

Eventually, Ace released his grip on her mouth and neck, at which point Soifon swiftly elbowed him in the chest, causing him to lose his hold entirely. With her newfound freedom, she quickly moved out of his reach, her blue eyes locked onto his icy blue eyes, which burned with anger.

Once Ace regained his composure after being elbowed, he directed a stern gaze at Soifon. He demanded to know why she had fought back despite his previous warning. The intensity of his voice reverberated through the room, causing Soifon to startle and prompting him to take a step closer.

Soifon, struggling to speak, questioned Ace's presence. As he backed her against the wall, Ace forcefully struck her across the face, causing her to lose her balance.

Soifon desperately tried to escape, but Ace firmly grabbed her hair and forced her to the ground. He proceeded to press his knee onto her back, applying pressure that elicited a grunt of discomfort. Leaning in close, his breath brushing against the nape of her neck, the man with long hair asserted his presence.

The woman with dark hair attempted to resist his advances as he had her pinned down. She noticed that her phone was within reach and could be used to call for help if she could free herself from his grasp. However, she momentarily forgot who to contact for assistance. As she raised her leg to kick him in the back, he was momentarily distracted, still holding her head down. He warned her not to forget about their game of cat and mouse, not to get too comfortable, and not to reveal anything to anyone, threatening to come after her if she did. His voice was as cold as the night air itself.

As if sensing her intention to kick him, he swiftly flipped her onto her back and struck her across the face once again, causing her head to turn to the side. She tried to shield herself with her arm, but he forced her arms to her sides and immobilized them with his legs. Tears streamed down her face as he placed his hands around her neck and began to strangle her.

In a desperate attempt to escape, Soifon vigorously kicked her legs into his back, hoping to dislodge him from on top of her. Her vision became blurred as tears continued to flow.

After feeling the sensation of his weight leaving her, Soifon shifted onto her side, coughing and struggling to regain control of her breathing. As she moved, she glanced up and noticed Ace standing up. In a firm tone, he reminded her to keep her promise. However, before leaving, he ruthlessly kicked her in the side, causing her to collapse back onto the floor with a crack resonating from her ribcage. With her vision becoming blurred, she weakly acknowledged his departure.

Soifon remained on the floor until she was certain Ace was gone. Suppressing the pain, she slowly rose to her feet, using the wall for support. Blood dripped from her face, where she had been struck. Once she regained her balance, she made her way to the bathroom to clean herself up before bed. Upon reaching the bathroom, Soifon approached the sink, wincing as she touched her face to assess the damage. A sizable bruise had formed, her lip was split, and she caught a glimpse of her injured side.

After completing her facial cleansing and shower routine, Soifon proceeded to her personal quarters, where she retrieved her mobile device from the coffee table in the common area. Upon settling on her bed, she gazed at her phone, specifically noting Erin's contact information. Contemplating the idea of contacting her friend, Soifon's thoughts raced while fixating her blue eyes on the contact entry for several minutes. However, she ultimately disregarded this notion, recalling advice received from Ace. Shaking her head in resignation, she gently placed her phone down after setting an alarm for the upcoming workday. She deemed it best not to entangle Erin in the predicament she had found herself in, understanding that her brunette friend had her own set of challenges.

Concluding her evening ritual, Soifon extinguished the bedside lights and reclined on her back, casting her gaze upon the ceiling as she gradually drifted into slumber.

* Erin's P.O.V*

A few hours later, Erin arrived at her home. As she entered her apartment, a yawn escaped her throat, expressing her relief at finally being home. However, Erin's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Soifon. She hoped that when she saw the raven-haired woman, she would be able to accept Erin's apology. Until then, she needed to freshen up and retire for the night.

Securing the door behind her, Erin placed her bag, badge, gun, and keys on the table before making her way to the bathroom to wash up.

Erin quickly showered and then found herself lying in bed, setting her alarm for work. She contemplated sending a text to Soifon, informing her of their impending meeting in the morning. However, she concluded that the younger woman was likely already asleep. Despite this, a sense of unease gnawed at Erin's gut, suggesting that something might be amiss with her friend. Yet, she dismissed these concerns, acknowledging that Soifon was a capable adult capable of taking care of herself.

After a certain duration, the individual with brown hair proceeded to drift into a slumber subsequent to extinguishing the source of illumination.

*The next morning*

Upon hearing her phone ring, Erin let out a groan in response, as it signaled that it was time for her to wake up and get ready for work.

After enduring the incessant sound of her alarm for five long minutes, she finally roused herself from bed. As she proceeded to dress herself, Erin briefly pondered whether she should offer Soifon a ride to work, but then quickly dismissed the idea, considering that her friend possessed her own truck. Dismissing the thought with a shake of her head, Erin decided against imposing on her friend.

After investing a couple of hours in the process of getting ready, Erin left her apartment and embarked on her journey to work. Before heading out, she made a pit stop at her favorite breakfast establishment, where she procured a box of donuts and a cup of coffee. She envisioned surprising her colleagues with breakfast as a kind gesture.

It didn't take much time for the brunette to arrive at Headquarters, park in her designated spot, and exit her vehicle, she greeted Al as she closed her car door and looked up. "Good morning, Al." With a smile, she responded to his question about the case, and gratefully allowed him to assist her in carrying a box of donuts.

"Thank you." Walking together, they entered the workplace, and she placed her hand on the illuminated handprint, allowing both of them access to the stairs. Once inside the bullpen, everyone greeted them with a collective "Good morning, Erin, Al." As she made her way to her desk, Al placed the box on it. Opening the box, she offered donuts to all before settling down in her chair, coffee in hand. Glancing at her friend's unoccupied desk, she noticed their absence.

A few minutes had elapsed since Erin had arranged everything for work. With her scrutinizing green eyes, she surveyed the room, noticing that the only individual missing was Soifon. Erin made an attempt to inquire if anyone had seen Soifon and pondered why her friend hadn't arrived yet. However, before uttering any words, Soifon entered the workplace and swiftly made her way to her desk.

Observing her friend's movements intently, Erin squinted her eyes. The room fell silent as everyone observed the raven-haired woman adeptly organizing her belongings. Leaning closer to her friend, the brunette addressed her softly, saying, 'Excuse me, Soifon.' She gently rested her hand on the back of the other woman. However, she promptly withdrew her hand when she noticed her friend jump rather startled, seemingly propelled five feet into the air.

Erin repositioned herself in her seat, raising her hands to signal to Soifon that she meant no harm. She spoke in a calming tone, reassuring her friend, 'Hey, it's alright, it's just me.' After managing to alleviate some of Soifon's distress, Erin expressed her apologies.

The younger woman responded with a curt reply. As Soifon turned to face Erin and the rest of the team, tension filled the air as they noticed the sizable bruise on her face. The only question that escaped Erin's lips was, "What the hell happened?" She observed as Voight took a step closer, his expression grave.

(please read and review, and let me know about your thoughts on the story so far.)

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