Chapter Three

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(The picture is Ashley Duvessa!)

*Erin's P.O.V*

A sigh escaped her lips while sitting near her phone, delicately sipping her coffee. She anxiously awaited her friend's call regarding any updates on Becca Johnson.

Though plagued by worry, she attempted to dismiss these concerns from her mind. Her emerald eyes occasionally flicked towards the phone in anticipation. She remained oblivious to the presence of anyone approaching her desk until a gentle cough commanded her attention.

Erin glanced up to find Voight standing there, inquiring about her well-being. Swallowing nervously, she responded, 'Yes, I am fine.' Her sigh was accompanied by a gesture of running her fingers through her hair.

Voight observed Erin with a raised eyebrow, recognizing her true feelings despite her claim of not being worried. He reassured her by placing his hand atop hers, stating his knowledge of both Erin and Soifon. He confidently asserted that Soifon would be fine and possibly already returned. Making eye contact with Erin, he saw her release a sigh.

Erin expressed her concern, acknowledging her inability to stop worrying about Soifon. She mentioned that Soifon had been absent for many years since their high school graduation, unsure of her whereabouts following her departure with Ace. The mere mention of this man who took her friend away angered Erin.

Voight nodded in understanding, releasing a sigh as he placed his hand on Erin's shoulder. He assured her that although they were unaware of Soifon's past, she may open up and share her experiences when the time is right. As he stood up, Soifon entered the bullpen.

Observing the raven-haired female approach Voight and Erin, the brunette displayed a worried expression upon noticing the troubled look in her azure eyes.

Voight took the initiative to initiate conversation, while the remaining team members gathered around the brunette's desk to eagerly await the news. "Pray tell, what did you unearth?" Voight inquired once Soifon had arrived at the desk, capturing Erin's attention as she witnessed the young woman delivering a folder she had been holding to their superior.

* Soifon's P.O.V*

When Voight began to open the folder, Soifon proceeded to provide an explanation regarding the obtained information from the bar. However, she had to suppress her nervousness as she encountered a minor issue upon leaving the establishment.

She emitted a profound sigh and proceeded to inform the entire group that Becca Johnson typically frequents the bar every Friday at approximately five o'clock in the evening. Moreover, she revealed that Becca Johnson lodges at the hotel located directly across the street from said establishment. Regrettably, she expressed her regret at not having additional information to offer. As she made this statement, she received sympathetic looks from her team members, who provided her with encouraging reassurance.

Upon feeling a gentle pat on her shoulder, she turned her gaze to find Voight standing beside her, his hand resting upon her shoulder. In an attempt to console her, he advised her not to dwell on her perceived shortcomings, assuring her that she had acquired a substantial amount of relevant information. With determination, he conveyed the team's need to devise a strategy for apprehending Becca Johnson. Soifon couldn't help but smile upon receiving such approving acknowledgment from Voight.

Voight instructed Antonio, Jay, and Adam to proceed to the hotel and requested for Ashley to accompany them. "Meanwhile, Erin, Soifon, and I will devise a plan. One of us will be sent to the bar." Jay, Antonio, and Adam promptly departed to inspect Becca's hotel room.

Soifon trailed after Erin and Voight as they headed towards his office. The dark-haired woman couldn't help but sense that something was burdening Erin, as she noticed the brunette's lack of communication with her. She let out a sigh, knowing that she would have the opportunity to speak with Erin once work concluded. For now, she pushed it aside and focused on the task at hand.

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