The Ocean...

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First person:

I was dreaming of black... in a void somewhere, when I hear her. The voice of someone... she asks me something..

"We brought you into this world, I need your help. There are those more powerful than I conspiring to kill me... I wish to not die, in return for your help I will cease my war. Please, Kaiser, wake up and help us!"

*COUGH COUGH* I struggle to breathe... I'm back in the waking world... but where am I..? I look around and see.. ocean?!? Why am I in the ocean?? And why am I not sinking?

"Ughhh... I ain't in Kansas anymore am I?"

I look below me and see the deck of a ship? I follow the wood and see giant canons resting... holy mother of Ursus.. these shells could level buildings and still keep going!

I walk to the bridge and see nobody. I yell out into the nothingness. No response... I can't be the only person here right..? What if we need to move- HRGK- soon as I said that the ship lurches forward of its own accord?? No... not of it's own accord... of my accord... I control this ship?!

I examine the controls, nothing changed.. hmm what if I imagine the canons turning? And like sheer magic they turn to where I face! Hmm... what if I fire- BOOM- The guns roar to life at my thought! Then I get a feeling... like someone is telling me to do something... imagine my ship as a backpack kind of thing.. hmm...

As I imagine my ship as a backpack  my ship disappeared from under me, I brace to become wet but... I'm floating on water! I look to my sides and see what looks to be 4 metal dragons! 2 on each side, canons on their heads and one big canon in their throat... huh.. The green and red glow makes them kind of intimidating.. I go to pet one fully expecting to be bitten but it purrs!? The head of the beast nuzzles into my hand wanting more affection. I'm going to make you Alpha, your brothers are going to be named Beta through Delta.. Welcome to my side young ones.

I summon my weapon, Hagedorn my halberd. Chrome plated Titanium alloy, able to cleave buildings in two. light as a feather but deadly to everything.

As I materialize my ship once more and head to the bridge, there I hear through my radio a distress beacon, I tune in wishing to help. I listen intently


She sounded hurt, I radio a response "This is Kaiser of the Dragons Breath! I hear you Enterprise help is inbound ETA 15 minutes just hold on a little longer!"

Turning off my radio I point my ship in the direction of the coordinates and full speed ahead. I can feel my ship moving fast beneath me, I should be there within enough time to help. I may have just woken up in this world but I swear I will protect it.

*15 minutes later, Enterprise POV*

"Seems the great Grey Ghost has been defeated. Any last words before I take that head of yours?" she asked me... as she readied her sword

"Go- *huff* to hell..."

"Poor choice of words Grey Ghost. Prepare to die by my sword-" She begins to swing, I await my death.. I failed you sisters... I can only ask you forgive me...


I don't feel the sword... I'm not dead?? I open my eyes and see a weapon crossing with the katana mere inches from me and I see someone with Horns?!

"Howdy, heard your call for help. Names Kaiser, mind getting back while I deal with this swordswoman?" He says to me.

I nod and quickly back away only to be met with him going toe to toe with Takao easily.. who is the man- wait man?? HE HAS RIGGING?!? WHAT IS AN IRON BLOOD DOING HERE?!?

*Kaiser POV*

"You know, it's not really an honorable fight to kick a downed combatant Ms..?"

"Takao, no Ms, makes me feel old. She is the enemy and since you came to her rescue by proxy you are the enemy too. So wish to duel?" She asks me, a fire burning in her eyes. I nod and accept.

Soon the clashing steel and the pound of canons fill the air, both combatants are good but one has been doing this far far longer than the other. Soon managed to place a kick on Takao's sternum, sending her reeling back and dropping her katana. I notice my radar blip, more of her friends arrived, need to end this quickly.

I rush towards her ready to strike my Halberd down on her neck but I'm stopped.. Something tells me this isn't what's supposed to happen so I stop mid swing surprising both Takao and Enterprise before I grab the katana before it sinks.

"Your death is not at my hands Takao, you are a worthy opponent but I outmatch you. Take your sword, take your friends, and leave while I give you mercy. " I hand her the sword and glide away leaving her confused as she regroups with her friends and leaves. I turn to enterprise who's looking at me aiming her bow and rigging.

"Stop! Come no closer Iron Blood." She warned me as I approached. Iron Blood? I have never heard of this... I need to diffuse the situation.

"Iron Blood? What's that? And look I'm not here to fight I saved you. We need to get you back to your base and repaired before something worse than those girls show up. I give you my word I ain't an enemy." I raise my hands as a sign of surrender, I do not wish to fight her.

She looks at me slowly lowering her weapons before speaking "Ok.. But your coming with me. The commander would like to have a word with you.." she falls, I catch her and she nods as a thanks

"Look lady your in no shape to keep fighting. Summon your ship I'll tow you to your base, just give me the coordinates.."

She looks at me hesitantly but I did just save her again. She summons an aircraft carrier, huh... big boat... it's listing to its side, but still afloat. I summon my own ship to start hooking chains and start the tow process. She looks at me with a mixture of fear and surprise before asking

"That's your ship?! It's... bigger than the Bismarck... it's weapons are bigger than any Iron Blood weapon.."

I simply nod and lead her to my bridge "Now enterprise put the coordinates into the computer while I hook the chains to your ship. Let's hope we get there before dark yes?"

She nods, inputting the coordinates, I take some chains and jump to her ship attaching them best I can. Now it's time to head back to base...

*10 Minutes later*

As we are in the mess hall she asks me something "So... Where did you come from Kaiser? You just appeared to help me..."

She's confused. Then again so am I.. I decide to tell her the truth, but hold back on that person who spoke to me.

"Well... to be Frank I just woke up here... I don't remember where I came from right now, memory is hazy, but I woke up in the sea and spent half an hour figuring out my ship and riggings. Then I heard your distress call. Reminds me: what the fucking hell were you doing out here alone?? You would have been killed if I didn't show up!" I asked quickly

She responded after some moments "I have to keep the port safe. I just didn't expect the Sakura Empire to show up... " I can immediately tell why she's doing this.

"Anyways we should head topside, I'd rather not take a few naval shells to my hull. I can definitely tank that I just really don't want the headache afterword's." She agrees and we head to the bridge. Soon enough we see the Azur Lane port, and multiple Kansen as they are called lined up and ready to fire. Thinking fast Enterprise uses my radio

"This is Eagle Union Enterprise do not fire on this vessel as I am on it!" Soon the radio sparks to life with a response

"Enterprise?? Why are you on an iron blood vessel and why is she towing you?!"

Enterprise looked at me and back at the radio "She isn't iron blood and isn't a She... Look Let him dock and let's get my ship docked as well. He can explain more on port"

Oh this is going to be Fun.

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