Be Still my Dog of War

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*Valentina POV*

"you feelin' lucky, punk?" I've never heard Kaiser this angry before... I look behind me and my captor was shaking violently almost like he saw the devil himself.

"Now, I don't take too kindly to scoundrels taking my family hostage. But I'm gonna enjoy this you fucking clown."

He walks forward before a loud bang was heard and Kaiser visibly recoiled.

"You really fucked up by shooting him! Did you not read the report?"

The man looks at me, you could see the gears turning in his head.

"Wh-What do you mean!?!? I JUST SHOT HIM WITH A FUCKING .44 MAGNUM?"

" *Manic Cackling* Oh you poor fool. Your fiend the old commander shot me in the head and I didn't give a shit. WHAT MAKE YOU THINK THIS WILL BE ANY DIFF-"

He stopped.. It's like he was just taken out of his thoughts by someone. I could hear him murmuring but to who?

"Yes, Sister." Sister? Who is he talking to? The guy behind me is even more terrified and I think... he shit himself. I look back to Kaiser and see him chanting "I call upon the power granted by the Sui sisters. Ling, Dusk, I use my connection to summon you-"

Suddenly a bright light engulfed the room and out from it came two women both almost as tall as Kaiser.. one who's hair is as black as ink and the other as blue as the sky. They turn and look at Kaiser

"Brother, I heard you summoned us. Sorry for not taking Nian she's... doing something with a movie..." the blue one said, sparking the dark one to speak "Yes, I am glad you remember the technique I taught you. So what are we doing here?" Neither of them seem phased by the glowing purple aura of anger in front of them.

"Dear sister you see this man?" He points at the now kneeling captor "He has gone and threatened everyone here. Including Kaiserin. And since I know you two hate his kind of people much as I do, I decided to let you guys have some fun." They both smiled... I've never seen such a smile on a loving person...

Kaiser watches them surround the man as he screams bloody murder. He's taken into a portal screaming his lungs out as blood pools beneath him. He stops watching that and turns to me. He speaks with a voice so sweet, I swear I could hear the shuffle of angels feet.

"Sorry Commander you had to see that. I don't like it when people like him get anywhere near my family." He said while undoing my restraints. It's hard for me to stand but he lifts me, carrying me outside.

*Kaiser POV*

I see Vestal take the commander to the infirmary.. I'm starting to feel light headed now, so much anger at one point really does your energy reserves bad..

I look towards Kaiserin "Darlin? I need ta rest Love.. My ship should be refitted again by the time I-" and just like that... I'm once again sent back into my mind.

*Kaiserin POV*

He passed out again... Something is draining his energy more than usual.

"Dreamweaver!" I call, soon she teleports before me

"Yes I did dear now please teleport your father to our base. We need to figure out what's draining his systems energy."

She nods before taking him and teleporting away. Soon Cleveland comes to me

"Hey Kaiserin? Where'd you take the old man?"

I look towards her "To our base. He said something about being refitted again and somethings draining his systems."

"Your worried aren't you Empress?"

"Yes... the man I have come to love is hurting in a way we don't know. It worries me immensely.."

She understands and goes back to her sisters. I myself teleport to his side, watching as he struggles in his sleep. I feel his hand and... it's cold?! He isn't this cool to the touch why-

The instruments hooked to him show he's having a nightmare. One that's more violent than anything yet... it's throwing our readings off.

I grab his hand in mine one more, I caress his cheek and mutter "Be still my dog of war... Let rest consume you." And just like that. He goes back to resting.

*POV 3rd person*

Unbeknownst to her Dreamweaver had allowed Enterprise to watch. She was worried as much as Kaiserin... she won't admit to anyone openly but she saw the man as a father figure. The way he would play with the destroyers like his own children... the comfort he'd bring if you needed it... she hoped he gets better.

You know? We can't keep doing this song and dance Brother. You need to come to terms with it. It won't be easy but life never is, don't do this anymore... Here's to being human, or as close as you can get, all that pain and suffering...

??? "We'll meet again, Don't know where, Don't know when, But I know we'll meet again some sunny day.... Don't worry Kaiser. Big Sis has your back.. just stay alive for me."

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