A Family Reunion

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Me and Kaiserin get ready to meditate, soon I feel my mind slipping into an all too familiar place, and right next to me I feel the presence of Love.

"Where are we?" I hear the amazement in her voice. Yes this painted world was always so beautiful, she made it just for us to meet..

"This my dear is the painted world of Dusk. Dusk is the friend I've mentioned... She's a shut in most the time but after a long while I gained her trust. She sees me as family much as her sisters do. I haven't met their brother though... worries me..." I get done explaining as I stand. I notice I'm wearing the Changshan Dusk got me, and it's the one I tailored to be longer. Never was a man for short clothes...

Love notices and comments "You have a good taste in design, and you look handsome in that" she purrs as she reaches up and ruffled my hair

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Love notices and comments "You have a good taste in design, and you look handsome in that" she purrs as she reaches up and ruffled my hair.

"Kaiser. I was worried you'd been killed." A familiar monotone voice said

We both looked around and saw the person the voice came from

"Dusk! It is good to see you, I am sorry for disappearing so suddenly but I was needed to help Love here." I saw as she waved to Dusk, receiving a small glare in response.

"How have you been Dusk? How's Nian and Ling?" I ask as I hug her, she's tall considering but im taller it seems...

"Sister Nian is being annoying as usual.. Ling has been distant.. and i see your wearing the clothes I got for you. You remembered." She looked towards Kaiserin "Who is she?" She asked not rudely but inquisitively

"I an the reason why he went missing and for that i apologize. My name is Arbiter the lll or Empress. But he gave me the name Kaiserin. I am sorry for taking him but we needed the help.." she said solemnly

"It is fine dear Empress. Knowing Brother here he would help none the less." Love looks at me puzzled

"Brother? I though you didn't have siblings remaining.?"

"We aren't related. I've known these 3 for decades. And since they don't age as quick as humans much like me I just basically got pulled into the family by Ling and Nian. There's few beings capable of fighting and knocking me down and Dusk here is one of them."

I can see an ever so small but present glint of pride in Dusk's eyes. It's nice to see her break that shut shell every once in a while. She paints a few stools and tables with enough food and drink for us to be comfortable.

All this time we spent talking and having fun. I missed this, missed when we didn't have war, have to constantly move because of a catastrophe...

"Dusk. I Need you to give Kal a letter. It details what's happened to me and that I'm safe. If you'd please?"

She looks at me with half lidded eyes before speaking "Fine I will deliver it but soon as your back your taking me out to dinner. Think of it as payment for scaring us... Ling was worried about you, you know?" Her eyes went sad

"Yes... I know, If i had any warning before hand I would have said I'll be back. But for now there is something I need to complete." I look towards Kaiserin and she understands

"Don't worry Dusk, I will send him back soon as we get out world situated. Reminds me to ask Kaiser, what did you do with that serum? Did you get a new ability?" I forgot about that!

I look at Dusk "Can you draw an enemy? I need to test my power out and this is the safest place. Please?"

She looks at me intrigued before sighing and picking up her paintbrush. Brilliant strokes of black, blue, and white coalesce into a singular mass.

"There, but i do this only once since you asked nicely."

I stand up and face the creature. It moves not an inch but it looks sturdy. I stand at full height, lower my shoulders, widen my stance for bracing. I slow my breathing, and concentrate on my power. I feel it, a burning fire in my throat. I can hear them two whispering behind me as I get ready, soon my throat and lower jaw begins to glow a purple hue. Purple veins appear snaking from my eyes as they glow the same deep colors, once more I open my mouth and let loose a stream of plasma.

 Purple veins appear snaking from my eyes as they glow the same deep colors, once more I open my mouth and let loose a stream of plasma

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It burns like the sun as it comes out. Soon as the purple plasma touched the creature it burst into flame and ash. Obliterated from existence never to return unless repainted.

I fall to my knees, doing this for the first time took a lot out of me. Kaiserin and Dusk rush to me, checking to see if I'm ok.

"I'm fine darlin I promise... Just took a lot out of me.. thank you for the target Dusk. Your as kind as always." I say while side hugging the surprised Dragon. She keeps the surprise well covered but i can see it.

"Love? Shouldn't we get back? The others might worry." Kaiserin says to me.

"Uh yea we should, we've only been here for what... 3-4 hours?" I check my watch "Yea 4 ish hours nearly. It'll be 2 in the real world." I saw as I stand, i notice Dusk looks saddened

"I'll be back I promise. Tell your sisters I said hi!"

We start to fade, the world we are in starts to darken before we are sent back to our reality. We are back on the ship, I see enterprise behind us looking worried.

"Heya Enty. Don't worry we are fine, just had to meet my sister.. She was worried. Come sit I'll explain."

Time to explain my connection to the other world. Oh this is going to be fun.

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