Chapter 1

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Penny and Sam had just finished their shift at 5:30pm, walking back to his house that was close to the fire station, making sure that no one was watching them, especially Ellie, who has been shipping her friends together from the very beginning.

The couple had been boyfriend and girlfriend for several months now, but they weren't ready to announce it to their colleagues or the rest of Pontypandy just yet.

Once they had entered the beautiful house, the couple quickly stripped out of their uniforms, chucking them on the floor and lying down on the double bed, facing each other in their underwear.

The couple lost them in each others mesmerising eyes, leaning in to cup one another's cheeks and connecting their lips for a deep kiss full of love, parting after a few minutes to breathe.

"Who's my sexy girl? You are!", the red haired man teased his lover, undoing the hooks at the back of her bra, pulling the holders off her shoulders and discarded the fabric on the floor, revealing her big, round breasts and he could feel his bulging erection standing upwards as he attacked her right nipple with his teeth, causing her to moan her agonisingly arousal.

"Samuel!", the blonde haired woman spanked his buttocks, before taking his dick out of his boxers to relieve his tightness, watching how big it had grown and she started massaging it up and down with her hands, hearing him let out groans of pleasure.

Her boyfriend was now straddling her, tearing her thong off and just as he was about to slip his huge cock into her pussy, the brown eyed woman's phone started going off.

The blue eyed man got off the nude woman, so she could get up from the bed and take the call, "hello!.... yes, understood sir, I'll be right there!", she placed her phone back on the bedside table.

"Sorry honey! But station officer Steele needs me, because Norman Price has cracked Joe's submarine and I'm the only one who can scuba dive!", Penny rambled, giving her significant other a kiss on the cheek and he helped her get dressed into her uniform, before waving goodbye to her from the front door as she headed to the station.

Once the blonde woman had reached the station, her and Elvis got into Venus, fastening their seatbelts and she drove to the ocean rescue centre.

While she was driving, her colleague sneezed and blew his nose, "you ok, Elvis!", she questioned, while still keeping her eyes on the road, "I'm fine, achoo, it's just a cold!", the dark-haired man replied in between his sneezes.

When they reached the ocean rescue centre, the singing firefighter got dressed into his ocean rescue uniform and the female firefighter got dressed into her scuba diving gear, before they aboarded Neptune and hit the water.

"The submarine was last spotted on the North face of Pontypandy Island!", Ben radioed the coordinates and they thanked him, heading in that direction.

When they were on the North of the Island, Neptune stopped and Penny put her goggles and oxygen mask on, before falling backwards off the boat and into the deep blue water.

She popped her head out of the surface and Elvis passed her the rope, now scuba diving to the bottom of the ocean, where Norman Price was up to his knees in water.

The blonde woman tied the rope to Joe's submarine, giving her colleague the all clear sign through her radio and the submarine started going up, with her following closely behind.

The dark-haired firefighter helped the ginger haired boy get out of the submarine and he pulled his colleague out of the water, before driving Neptune back to shore.

Once all three of them were back on dry land, the firefighters made sure that Joe Sparks got his invention back and they took the naughty boy home, giving him a firm telling off about the water during the night, plus a punishment of no TV for a week from his mum.

Now that the rescue was over, the male firefighter headed back to the fire station in Venus, to continue his shift, while the blonde woman walked back to her boyfriends house.

As she was walking home from the cut price store, she started to feel cold, but she brushed it off as if it was nothing and continued walking.

Once she had reached the house, she quickly turned her keys into the door and ran upstairs, causing Sam, who was quietly reading a book to jump in shock by her sudden return.

Penny rapidly took her station uniform off and got dressed into her pyjamas, before flopping down on the bed.

"Are you alright, babe?", the red haired man question sympathetically, "no, can you pass me another blanket, I feel cold!", the blonde woman replied, shivering.

Her boyfriend placed the second blanket over the first one that was covering her body and he put his book on his bedside table, before turning the lights off and lying down next to her, wrapping his left arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"If you need anything during the night, then wake me up, ok!", he said sweetly and his girlfriend nodded her head, before they shared a short kiss and slowly drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

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