Chapter 12 - 6th day in Sam's house

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The couple had spent the night in the hospital together in two seperate hospital beds and though they thought that they would have a quiet night, they were certainly wrong as nurses kept coming every so often to check on their patients wellbeing.

It was now the morning and Sam woke up bright and early, stretching his arms in the air as he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before staring at his still sleeping partner in her hospital bed.

He got up from the sofa and walked over to the bed, standing at the foot of it as he watched her sleep, which seemed so calm and peaceful.

"Awwww, my queen! You look so beautiful when your sleeping, so keep on doing that to make your body heal faster, while your lovely man gets ready and has a bite!", he cooed lovely, watching her mouth form a small smile as he disappeared into the bathroom.

He brushed his teeth, took a warm rejuvenating shower and got dressed into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, before returning back to Penny's hospital room, sitting down on the chair besides her.

Five minutes later, Tiffany came walking in with a trolley and gave the red haired man a plate with chocolate pancakes and a glass of orange juice.

"Heres your breakfast. I would give your partner some breakfast as well when she wakes up, but I know that she has no appetite and would probably not want to eat!", she informed him as she continued doing her rounds.

The hero next door started eating the sweet, chocolatey treat that melted in his mouth, savouring every moment until it was all gone, and just as he had finished eating, he saw his girlfriend slowly fluttering her eyes open at eleven o'clock in the morning.

"Good morning sweetheart! How you feeling?", Sam questioned sympathetically as he placed his hand on the left side of her head and bent down to deeply kiss her forehead.

"I still feel, ow, sore and in, oww, pain!", Penny winced in pain as she placed a hand on her tummy and made herself comfy in the medical bed.

"Do you want any breakfast, pumpkin?", her boyfriend asked curiously, "no, I don't feel very hungry , but I haven't been feeling or doing sick anymore, so that's good!", the blonde woman spoke cheerfully, looking at the bright side of things.

Ok, but when we go home later on you need to start eating, because you've lost quite a lot of weight since yesterday and you know that our job requires a strong body mass, otherwise you'll get fired!", the red haired man demanded.

"I know, but I'm in a lot of pain and I've lost my appetite, but I will start eating again even if I don't feel like it, because you and my job are everything to me!", she explained to him in depth.

The lovebirds continued to chat happily about anything that came to mind, while sharing kisses, both trying to be careful as the female was sick and had to be extremely careful.

A few minutes later, the doctor entered their hospital room with her nurse following right behind her as they walked up to the bed.

"Good morning the two of you! I'm here to do a quick check on my patient and then she can go home with you, which I'm sure you'll both be looking forward to!", Rikki spoke with a smile on her face.

The female doctor took the breathing tube out of the side of Penny's nose, hearing her wince and shut her eyes tightly from the pain as she screamed loudly when she was having her IV strip removed as well.

"It's ok honey! She's almost done and then we can finally go home and I promise to give you lots of cuddles!", Sam spoke as he felt her squeezing his hand that she was holding from the immense pain and he feather dusted her left arm to calm her down.

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