Chapter 2 - I've got a cold

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The morning came quickly and Sam woke up to the beautiful sun shining through the window, yawning and rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, before turning around to look at his lover, who had managed to kick the blanket off herself and was still fast asleep in her blue undergarments.

He didn't want to disturb her, so he delicately kissed her forehead, feeling the heat against his lips as he nakedly picked her pyjamas off the floor and quietly tip toed out of the room, leaving her to sleep for a little bit longer.

The hero next door sat on the living room sofa and continued to read his book from last night for about thirty minutes, before getting up to make him and his girlfriend breakfast without any clothes on.

He made herbal tea and took some cookies out of the jar, placing everything on a tray, before walking upstairs to his room.

Sam entered his bedroom, seeing Penny still fast asleep and he placed the tray on his bedside table, freeing his hands, so he could gently shake her shoulder.

"Hmmm!", his girlfriend groaned as she sar up and rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes, "good morning, honey! How are you feeling?", her boyfriends questioned sympathetically, "I feel, achoo, achoo, like a, cough, cough, burning fire!", she spluttered, resting back into the mattress, feeling her muscles aching.

The red haired man sat next to her in bed and helped her sit up, massaging her side and softly kissing her head, while she rested her head into the crook of his neck.

He grabbed the tray from his bedside table and placed it in front of them, "lets eat our breakfast, I've made you some herbal tea to help with your cold and I brought your favourite chocolate chip cookies, because I don't want you to faint, my poorly princess!", they both leaned in and passionately kissed on the lips.

They shortly parted their lips and her boyfriend started eating breakfast, Whereas she wasn't really in the mood to eat, but she knew that if she wasn't going to move a muscle, then her hero next door would spoon feed her, so she ate and drank what she could.

"Do you fancy a lukewarm shower with your lover?", he offered, once they had both finished breakfast, "I would love that, cough, but first let me have a pee, achoo, achoo, and then I'll tell you when you, achoo, can come, dear, achoo, achoo!", the blonde woman grabbed a tissue to blow her nose, before lovingly kissing his cheek and getting out of bed to head towards the bathroom.

She took all her clothes off and nakedly sat on the toilet, urinating everything out of her bladder, while sneezing and coughing like crazy.

Ten minutes later, she walked out of the lavatory and leaned against the door frame of her boyfriends room, "we can have, achoo, achoo, our shower now, babe!", she sang happily and he looked up from his book, seeing his nude girlfriend by the door and smiled widely.

"An a shower is what we will have, honey!", her lover interlaced his fingers with hers and they walked into the bathroom.

He opened the high cabinets and started searching for something, which didn't go unnoticed by his significant other.

"what are you, cough, cough, doing, love?", she questioned, farrowing her eyebrows in confusion, "I'm just getting a thermometer, so we can see how high your body temperature is, because you feel like a forest fire!", he described and took the first aid kit out of the cupboard.

"Now hold still, otherwise it won't be very pleasant!", Sam spoke cautiously, inserting the thermometer into her right ear and waiting for it to beep, before taking it out, "your temperature is 38.5C!", he read the results.

"I'm so sorry, my queen!", he cooed and gave Penny a big hug, wrapping his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck, both pressing their nude bodies together and resting their heads on each others shoulders.

Fireman Sam: A Long Lasting Illness 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now