Chapter 3 - the pain begins

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Nurse Flood arrived quickly to the mountain rescue centre, getting out of her ambulance and running towards Sam.

"What happened?", she questioned, kneeling down next to him, "she was feeling ill this morning and when we were about to head to an emergency, she fainted!", he explained in a nutshell.

The village nurse checked Penny's heartbeat and pulse, before putting an oxygen mask around her face and the two adults lifted her on to a stretcher.

They loaded her unconscious body into the truck and the nurse sat behind the wheel with the firefighter sitting next to her, while she drove towards Newtown hospital, "do you think she's going to be alright?", the hero next door questioned sympathetically, "She'll be fine! She's a strong fighter and will never leave this world without a fight!", the dark-haired woman reassures him.

They reached the hospital quickly and carried the blonde woman inside the building, telling the doctors what happened as they rushed over to help.

They placed her a stretcher and wheeled in and out of the x-ray theatres, scanning rooms, operation theatres, etc, but the two citizens from Pontypandy were not allowed to enter the medical fields, so they sat in the waiting room.

Sam legs were shaking and he bite his nails as he let his mind wonder, worrying impatiently about his girlfriend, wondering if she would be able to have a wedding or even have kids, depending on whether her uterus would be removed or not.

"Calm down, Sam! Everything will he fine. Is it ok if I return to Pontypandy, because Mandy needs me as her mother, not as a nurse!", she spoke calmly and he nodded his head.

Nurse Flood left and thirty minutes later, a nurse with lavender hair approached him, "excuse me, were you waiting for Penny Morris?", she questioned and he looked up at her, nodding a yes with his head.

"You can see her now as she has just woken up, but it might be shocking!", she warned and leaded him into the ward were she was resting.

When the red haired man reached his girlfriends bed, he covered his mouth as it widened in shock at the sight of all the wires her body had been hooked up to and the air conditioning over her face.

He quickly sat down on a chair by her hospital bed as the nurse left, "Penny!", he called out her name quietly and she slowly opened her eyes, staring into the love of her life.

"Hi Sam, I'm so sorry for going through my breaking point, I should've taken the day off work from this morning, when I felt ill!", she spoke remorsefully, looking at him with weary eyes, "it's alright, honey! We all make mistakes, but the most important thing is that you're safe and sound, but could you tell me what they've done to you?", he questioned curiously.

"They've hooked me up to a few machines to monitor my breathing, vitamins and my overall health!", the female firefighter showed him the needles in her hands, "I'm only wearing my bra and panties, until my temperature comes down!", she informed him and he blew her a big, get well soon kiss.

"They did surgery on my stomach, leaving a scar at the surgical sight and I've got a catheter for peeing, because I'm struggling and I'm in a lot of pain!", she rambled, "I'm so sorry that you had to go through all this pain, sweetheart! I wish it was me in that hospital bed instead of you!", he emphasised, feeling his heart melt at the sight of her weakened state.

"It's ok, Sam! We can't prevent diseases or infections, but we can continue our relationship. I'm going to be in this hospital for three days, and once I'm discharged I have to take a week of work to recover at someone's house, so they can keep an eye on me!", Penny smiled evidently.

"And I would more then happy for you to stay at my place during your one week recovering, that way we can romantically bond together without our colleagues creating stories or spreading rumours!", Sam grinned from ear to ear and sent her an air hug.

Fireman Sam: A Long Lasting Illness 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now