Chapter 6 - third day in the hospital

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(The start of a Penny's nightmare)

"Penny wake up!", someone shaked her shoulder and she fluttered her eyes open, sitting up and looking around the place.

"Where am I? And who are you?", she questioned the strange figure covered in black, "I'm a replacement for your boyfriend!", the stranger took the hood of her covering off and was revealed in the form of Ellie.

"Ellie? Where am I?", the blonde haired woman questioned further, "where all in your bedroom, but your wearing panties, whereas we are naked!", she informed her of her whereabouts and took her entire black robe off, revealling her attractive and sexy figure.

"Wait, you said we? So if I'm in my underwear, who's the other nude person?", she questioned and Sam appeared, looking just as hot and tempting, since the last time they had done anything naked together.

"You two are together? That's what you meant by a replacement for my boyfriend!", she spoke in an angry tone, starting to add everything up, "well done genius!", the newlyweds said sarcastically in unison.

"Yeah we are married, and where expecting a baby!", she announced and they passionately kissed on the lips, before placing their hands on her protruding bump.

"Come join us, sweetheart! So we can make you feel fucking good down there as well, and your reward will be a baby!", the brunette woman twitched her hips seductively and the hero next door spanked her fat buttocks, both trying to persuade her to join them.

She gave in to the strong urges and cringing in between her legs, lying down in bed and her ex-boyfriend spreaded her legs out, before tearing her panties off with his teeth, slowly slipping the head of his penis into her warm, slippery entrance.

Sam was now thrusting his huge cock really fast into her depth, while Ellie was busy teasing her BFF'S boobs, causing her to loudly moan harmoniously as they both reached their orgasms.

When the two lead firefighters fekt themselves peaking, they both thrust as fast as they could, rocking their hips and gripping their fingernails into each others backs as they felt so good right now with their sexual organs inside one another.

Once the orgasm had washed over them, they collapsed sideways on to the mattress and he continued to finger his exes clitoris, making her vagina tense up with a strong and irresistible arousal again so quickly.

(The end of a Penny's nightmare)

"Ahhhhhhh!!!", Penny sat up wide awake, deeply breathing and holding a clenched fist against her heart, feeling scared and nauseous at the same time.

Tiffany came rushing to her patients bedside and saw how red and panicked her face looked, just before she could help her, she quickly leaned over the bed and puked onto the floor.

The dark-haired woman pulled the blanket back and stripped all the clothes off her patients body, giving her a glass of water and wiping the sick off the floor with a mop.

Once the blonde haired woman finished drinking her beverage, she placed the cup on her bedside table and the nurse slowly pushed her nude body down into the sheets, helping her calm down from the shock she was in.

"Its ok, just breathe and take it easy today, because you've had a nightmare!", Tiffany acknowledged, placing a cool compress over her head and massaging her torso to soothe her worries away.

Now that Penny had calmed down and was feeling much better, the nurse left her room and she nakedly fell back to sleep, loving how the summer heat felt in between her folds.

The morning came quickly and the blonde haired woman woke up to a strong and bright sunny day, rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes.

The nurse soon entered with a tray of a nutella pancakes and orange juice, setting it down on her bare lap, "once you have finished eating, I'm going to help you get washed, because the doctor will be checking you over, before you're discharged!", she announced, taking a seat next to her bed while she ate.

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